Without waiting for Aunt Chen to refuse, he took out his usual tricks and said forcefully: "Don't worry, I will definitely not let you help for nothing! We will remember this favor for a lifetime."

Zhou's mother was more straightforward: "I heard that my aunt's son is a sophomore? If we look for a job in the future, we can help a lot. As long as you help us talk to Qiao Nian, it will be easy to handle."

"I understand." Aunt Chen put the vegetables back into the basket: "I can't help you, you take the things back!"

Zhou's mother was in a hurry: "Why can't you help us?! Just tell her, it's not a big deal."

Aunt Chen just shook her head: "I won't talk about it."

Zhou's mother's face was stained with anger, thinking that she was deliberately making things difficult for her.

Aunt Chen did not wait for them to speak, and said bluntly: "As for my son's future job... After graduation, if he is capable, he can find a job by himself. If he is not capable, he can set up a small stall with me."

She has never seen the world, but she has a steelyard in her heart, and she can clearly distinguish between good and bad.

In the beginning, she was indeed the one who felt sorry for Niannian, and she took care of Niannian when she was a child, but for such a small matter, she believed that anyone would be willing to help the little girl.

She didn't try to reciprocate at the time.

Later, Niannian helped her a lot.

Not only did he call the rebellious Chen Yuan back to study, but he was also admitted to Chongben University.

She also helped her husband get sick.

Their family has received too much favor from Nian Nian.

How could she run to trouble Nian Nian for a job opportunity.

"I will not betray my conscience for his work."

Aunt Chen calmly said, "Not only I don't want to do this, but he also doesn't allow it, otherwise I don't need to recognize his son."

"Take your things back."

It seems that this is not the first time for her to face this kind of person who wants to find Qiao Nian and find her: "If you don't take it, I won't take it. At worst, I will put the things at the guard. If you don't take them away, it will take half a month." They just treat it as garbage."

Father Zhou didn't expect this seemingly inexperienced rural woman to have such a broad-mindedness and bearing. He couldn't help but look at her, and the smile on his lips curled up: "Then Auntie doesn't want to help with this?"

Aunt Chen was not afraid of him, she shook her head: "I can't help."

Zhou's father grabbed Zhou's mother who wanted to argue with Aunt Chen, stood up, looked at her condescendingly, and said coldly: "We will come to you tomorrow, I hope you will change your mind tomorrow."

There seems to be a deep meaning behind what he said.

Aunt Chen sat without moving, and just said: "You don't need to come, no matter how many times you come, I will always answer this, I can't help."

Father Zhou couldn't even maintain his basic expression, so he said to the others expressionlessly, "Let's go."

"Bring your things." Aunt Chen was not angry and called them.

Father Zhou walked to the door, and gave the accompanying assistant another look. The assistant went back and took the big and small bags of presents.

A group of people went out in a mighty way.

Probably because they were angry, they didn't control the force when closing the door, and deliberately closed the door with a loud noise.

Aunt Chen waited for them to leave before returning to the bedroom.

Uncle Chen leaned on the head of the bed, saw her come in and said, "Those people are gone?"

Aunt Chen nodded and tucked him in the quilt: "Well, I just left."

"I don't know what they are looking for." Uncle Chen looked worried: "I don't think these people are easy to mess with. She must be very tired outside alone."

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