Aunt Chen was not worried, so she was silent for a moment, and patted his chest to make him stop talking.

Uncle Chen sighed, and said quietly for a while, "I heard from those people that they won't just let it go."

Ever since Qiao Nian went to Beijing, she has become the future granddaughter-in-law of the Ye family.

People often come to her here.

She knew the faces of those people, so she patted the back of his hand and said, "Let them do whatever they want, just to embarrass us. We are small and have no money, so let them embarrass them if they want. I won't let them do what they want anyway. I won't bother Nian Nian for them."

Uncle Chen also thought so, so he stopped talking.

It turned out to be exactly as Uncle Chen thought.

In the afternoon, when Aunt Chen went out to set up a stall, she encountered hooligans and hooligans, who first scared away all the diners, and then later, a person who claimed to be an inspector came over and told her that she could not set up a stall here in the future, which was against the rules.

This is not finished.

In the evening, Aunt Chen packed her things and went home exhausted physically and mentally, and then received a call saying that someone had eaten food poisoning at her house in the afternoon and was being rescued at the hospital, so she was told to go there quickly.

She settled Uncle Chen and had to rush to the hospital.

When she went to the hospital, the patient's family rushed up to her, crying and beating her, and then asked her to pay the medical expenses in advance, and insisted that her husband got food poisoning after eating her hot and sour noodles.

The doctor is also urging gastric lavage.

In desperation, Aunt Chen had no choice but to advance 2 yuan in medical expenses, and was asked by her family members to wait for the gastric lavage operation in the hospital before she was allowed to leave.

Aunt Chen came out in a hurry, and she didn't have time to cook for Uncle Chen before she left.

She was sitting on a cold bench in the hospital corridor in a hurry, but no matter how she told the patient's family that she would not run away, those people grabbed her and refused to let her go.

In desperation, she had no choice but to send a message to Chen Yuan, who was studying in Beijing, and asked Chen Yuan to entrust her high school classmates to deliver meals.



When Chen Yuan turned on his phone after class, he saw a text message from his mother.

He walked out of the classroom quickly and called Aunt Chen.

The phone rang for ten seconds before it was connected.

Chen Yuan immediately asked: "Mom, what's the matter at home? Why aren't you at home?"

"...I can't tell you for a while. If you are far away, you can find a classmate you knew in high school to deliver food to your dad first, and I will go back at night."

Aunt Chen didn't want him to know about the family affairs, mainly because she didn't want him to go and talk to Qiao Nian.

"By the way, I'm not worried about giving the key. You can ask him to find a lock-picking company, and I'll pay for it. If they don't unlock him, ask the master to call me and I'll explain to them."

Aunt Chen was very thoughtful, and even thought of the unlocking company.

She told Chen Yuan carefully, never mentioning where she is now.

Chen Yuan heard that the matter was serious this time, so he didn't insist on asking the reason, so he obediently agreed, saying that he would contact his classmates to deliver meals after hanging up the phone.

Only then did Aunt Chen hang up the phone in peace.

Chen Yuan waited for her to hang up the phone, thought for a while, found out Qiao Nian's phone number, and rubbed his fingertips several times, but he didn't call.

On the app, he bought a plane ticket to the circle around the city, ran to ask the professor for leave, and hurried to the airport.

During the period, I also managed to contact a high school classmate and asked him to help me deliver meals to my family. By the way, I also explained what Aunt Chen said about finding a lock unlocking company to unlock.

Early the next morning.

Aunt Chen was pestered by her family all night, and she finally got rid of those people in the morning and returned home exhausted.

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