Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3450 Nianjie 1 shot, you know if there is any!

Chapter 3450 As soon as sister Nian makes a move, she will know if there is one!
It's just that under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a smart person to tear his face.

Ji Lingfeng looked at him with a smile on his face and said, "Did the Second Elder put the family first, and was most worried about the loss of the family? I let you go now, and you won't feel at ease. Why don't you just stay here and wait for me to check Let's talk about the matter at the Gulf Pier."

The second elder's face turned green and pale, knowing that Ji Lingfeng was using words to provoke him, but every word he said was what he had said before, and there was no room for him to reply.

Ji Lingfeng had already prepared for the worst.

After He Lin sealed off the outside one by one, and incidentally controlled all the entourage brought by the second elder and others.

He rubbed between his brows, still sat on the swivel chair, and asked with a tired expression: "How? Have you checked the situation at the pier?"

He Lin also didn't know what was going on from the beginning, but now he understands what the Gulf Pier, today's fire, and the second elder and others want to do.

He felt sorry for Ji Lingfeng's situation, and he had to tell the truth: "The bay pier is under control, and all communication equipment is out of order. Our people are still rushing there, and we don't know the specific situation for the time being... "

All communication equipment is out of order.

Does this mean that the Hacking Alliance is involved?
Ji Lingfeng closed his eyes.

He knew the situation was bad, but he didn't expect it to be worse than he thought.

"...Contact Nan Tianyi."

The movement caused by the explosion at the bay pier was not small.

Not only Ji Lingfeng is investigating, but other forces in Independent Continent are also investigating what happened at the Gulf Wharf...

Like Ji Lingfeng, they quickly discovered that the communication equipment at the Gulf Wharf was cut off, and there was no way to check the specific situation of the wharf through high technology.

Some people are smarter and can use their brains to contact the Hacking League as soon as possible.

"Gulf Marina..."

"It's not our hands."

"Impossible... It's not that there is no signal over there, it's not that you guys have this ability?"

"Believe it or not, it's not us."

The Hacking League received seven or eight calls of the same kind within an hour, and each of them said the same thing, but few people believed that the disconnected signal at the bay pier had nothing to do with them.

However, the fact is that all the worthy people in the Hacking League have returned, sitting in front of the computer, with green barcodes flashing rapidly on each computer screen.

The leader hung up 7.8 calls and walked in after receiving a lot of anger. Seeing that they were still focused on the computer, he couldn't help suppressing his anger and said, "How, did you find anything? Who did it? !"

A man with a bird's nest head and a slovenly appearance barely looked away from the computer, and took the time to mutter: "The intrusion can't get in, the other party has already expected that we will intrude the program."

The leader of the hacker alliance was a little bit forced, he didn't believe it: "There are so many of you, and none of you went in?"

"Ghost knows what's going on %&@#¥..." Niao Wotou was still saying something vaguely, the voice was too low for him to hear clearly.

at this time.

The computer inside the hacker alliance suddenly issued a 'beep' alarm sound.

Generally, their computers will only trigger a warning if there is a problem with the host computer.

"Wocao! No way!" Niaowotou scratched his hair, his face changed slightly, and he put his hands on the keyboard and began to operate quickly.

Just as he imagined.

The computer began to go out of control, and the authority he could control became less and less.

(End of this chapter)

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