Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3451 It's better to give them a good time directly

Chapter 3451 It's better to give them a good time directly

He could clearly feel that there was a computer not far away that slapped him like a cat catching a mouse, and could end his life at any time.

3 minute later.

The computers of the Hacking League collectively made a short and loud sound.

After the sound of "Ding--".

All computers have black screens.

An extremely arrogant warning slowly appeared on the screen - [Roll]!
"Boom!" The leader of the Hacking Alliance propped his hands on the computer table, his eyes were about to pop out, and he said with a livid face, "Who the hell! This person simply doesn't take us seriously."

A weak voice reminded him inappropriately: "Boss, our main board is burned, and we will not be able to use the computer again in a short time."

The expression of the leader of the Hacking League was even worse, that expression wanted to kill someone.

They are different from other forces in the Independent Continent. Their main members are master hackers who mainly focus on intelligence collection, viruses, and defense.

A computer is the life of a hacker.

The other party burned the motherboard of the main computer, which is equivalent to half-life of the Hacking League.

It takes a lot of time and effort just to repair this motherboard, and in the end, I don't know how much data can be saved.


And there's nothing worse than giving them a slap in the face in their area of ​​expertise.

His chest was heaving and his mind was in a mess, so he could only say: "Who the hell!"

He can't guess.

But someone thought of it and slowly raised his hand.

"Do you know who it is?" The leader stared at his bird's nest head.

"I have a guess."

The man with bird's nest head scratched his hair again, making the already messy hair even more messy.

"Boss, have you ever thought about Sun?"

When the leader of the hacker alliance heard the code name of 'SUN', fireworks exploded in his mind, and his eyes suddenly became clear, as if everything made sense.

This incredible style.

There is also technology that can step on their hacker league.

There is only one person in the world who can do it - SUN!

His expression changed from surprise to sobriety to confusion: "Didn't she have a falling out with Ji's family? Why is she in charge of Ji's affairs again..."

Because the outsiders couldn't find out the specific situation of the Gulf Wharf in the first place, they all thought that the people from Santangkou and Tongjihui had succeeded.

Only the people in Santangkou at the center of the storm knew that the situation was not what was rumored outside. They were like ants tied to the flames, fidgeting.

Someone ran in quickly from outside.

The tattooed man couldn't help standing up: "How is it? Are our people back?"

Facing his cannibalistic eyes, the little guy who ran in trembled and said in a small voice: "Vice hall master, those brothers... have lost contact."

The tattooed man sat back down in a daze, unable to recover for a long time.

The third batch of people!
This is already the third batch of people they sent.

Like the previous two groups, he lost contact as soon as he stepped into the range of the bay pier. Even if he didn't rely on the walkie-talkie this time, he let those people send signals to the outside without any movement, as if he was swallowed by the heavy rain at the bay pier. connect.

This is clearly abnormal.

But they have lost contact with the people from the Freemasons Association, and now they have no choice but to send someone to step on the mine even though they know it is a trap.

This feeling is fucking painful, like cutting flesh with a soft knife, it's better to give them a good time!
(End of this chapter)

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