Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3479 Sister Nian has made a decision

No matter how dull Simon was, he could still sense some displeasure from the other party's tone, secretly thinking that he was unlucky to hit the gun today.

Qiao Nian didn't know why she was in a bad mood.

But this topic was first brought up by him, so there was no reason for him not to talk.

Simon had no choice but to put on a hard face, and explained awkwardly while the people sent by Xie Yun were still staring at him: "I didn't mean that, I was just curious..."

"Then you should be less curious." Qiao Nian didn't give him face this time, and said in a flat tone: "Xiao Ming's grandma lived to be 80 years old because she was never curious about things that had nothing to do with her."

Simon's complexion changed. He had managed to get to where he is today in Independence Continent, and his background was not low, so it was not a good feeling to be slapped in the face in public.

But he knows better than anyone else in Independent Continent how difficult the girl in front of him is.

This is a person who dares to provoke even the hidden family. He is not too hot-headed to think that the other party dare not touch a small chamber of commerce alliance.

So even at this moment, Qiao Nian stomped his face on the ground and rubbed him, he endured it forcefully, and smoothed things over for himself: "Yes, I've been taught."

"Then I won't bother Miss Qiao, I'll go to see Emperor Ji first."


Qiao Nian didn't raise her eyelids this time, as if she didn't hear him.

Simon's face was a little uglier, he endured the humiliation, turned around and strode into the hospital.

Ji's family, who were in charge of leading him, also hurriedly followed.

Only Qiao Nian was left alone.

She originally planned to go up after she came out to get some air, but now she was discouraged by Simon, and she was likely to meet other people who came to visit the hospital when she went up now.

She doesn't want to deal with these occasions.


Qiao Nian returned to Ye Wangchuan's car, opened the co-pilot's door and sat down with ease, then closed the door.

The space in the car was narrow, so she had to bend her long legs, bowed her head in discomfort and sent a text message to Xie Yun and Nan Tianyi telling them that she would not go up.

Then he didn't wait for Xie Yun to return to her.

Qiao Nian found out Feng Yu's phone number and called.

The phone rang a dozen times.

Feng Yu only picked it up, and the voice seemed to be from outside: "Nian Nian, do you need me? I'm now..."

Qiao Nian didn't wait for him to finish, and explained the purpose of coming concisely: "I may offend many people, let the First Research Institute issue a statement to disassociate myself from it first."


Feng Yu obviously didn't react at the first moment, paused, and quickly said: "Wait for me."

Qiao Nian heard someone talking to him on the other end, and could also hear Shi Fu's voice.

Immediately after Feng Yu walked out, the noise on the other end of the phone became much quieter, it seemed that she had found a quiet place to talk to her.

"What are you talking about? What do you mean that you will offend many people recently? What do you want to do."

Qiao Nian briefly told him about the situation of Ji's family. He didn't mention Ji Lingfeng's poisoning, but said that Ji Lingfeng's condition was not very good, and Zhong Liuliu was also in the hospital.

Feng Yu is a smart person, how could he not understand what she meant.

"So you want to stand up for Ji's family?"


Qiao Nian could still see cars coming outside the hospital through the car window.

"I'm standing up for Ji Nan."


Feng Yu almost laughed angrily at her.

What does it mean to stand up for Ji Nan? She clearly wants to protect Ji Lingfeng's lineage.

"Do you know how bad the situation of Ji's family is now, how many pairs of eyes in Independence Island are staring at this big cake and preparing to divide it up."

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