Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3480 Sister Nian was expelled from the 1st Research Institute?

Chapter 3480 Sister Nian was expelled from the First Research Institute?

Qiao Nian jumped out at this time to protect the cake and not allow anyone to move it.

This is to offend the entire Independent Continent.

She said to herself on the phone, 'I will offend a lot of people recently', which is really a modest statement.

She directly said that she was going to single out the entire Independent Continent alone!
The point is that this is not the point.

Feng Yu suppressed the tone that made her heart choke with anger: "Ji's family is also in chaos, even if you want to protect them, they may not accept your favor. Maybe they will add trouble to you later, why bother..."

After all, Feng Yu didn't say what was in his heart: why should you meddle in other people's business.

But Qiao Nian seldom changed his mind about things he had already made a decision: "Those people have nothing to do with me. They are the best obedient ones. If they don't, I don't mind letting them learn to be obedient."


"Dean, I'm serious this time."

Feng Yu heard the girl's calm and firm voice, and knew that she had thought it through.

"Hey!" Feng Yu could only sigh: "You really shouldn't be involved in this muddy water."

Qiao Nian's thick eyelashes covered her eyes: "Over there at the First Research Institute..."

Feng Yu knew what Qiao Nian's decision meant, she didn't want to separate from her, and wanted to protect her.

But he is not just Feng Yu, he also needs to be responsible for many people in the First Research Institute.

He shook his head: "Just do as you say."

"it is good."

Feng Yu still couldn't hold back: "But you should tell me when you need help. I'm your half teacher, no matter what, if there's anything, I can't be blamed for protecting me!"

Qiao Nian raised the corner of her mouth, and a trace of warmth flowed through her heart.

"it is good."

What Qiao Nian decided to do was never procrastinating.

She made an agreement with Feng Yu the day before.

The next day, I waited for the announcement from the first research institute.

Although Feng Yu gave an internal notice this time, many people in Independent Continent were surprised when the notice was spread.

You must know that Feng Yu had spent a lot of effort to make Qiao Nian his successor.

Now Qiao Nian relied on his strength to prove that Feng Yu hadn't misjudged him at the beginning, so why did Feng Yu suddenly dissociate from Qiao Nian again?

Many people in the First Research Institute went to find Feng Yu's theory.

But this time Feng Yu acted extraordinarily tough, and he didn't see anyone, including when Shi Fu went to find him, he found reasons to avoid him.

This approach also brought the discussion on Qiao Nian within the First Research Institute to its peak——

"What does the dean mean this time? He finally figured out how to prevent outsiders from accepting the institute? But he was very optimistic about Qiao Nian before."

"I heard that Team Leader Zhou and the vice president have both gone to see the dean, but the dean has not seen him alone. It is probably because he is determined not to change his mind."

"What the hell is Qiao Nian doing? Why did the dean suddenly drive her out of the First Research Institute?"

"Ghost knows, she is used to doing whatever she wants. Not long ago, she went to Continent M to participate in some weapons exhibition with Beijing City. The dean might be angry about this."

"That's what you said."

"Now I have seen some."


Wherever Xue Zhu went now, he could hear Qiao Nian's name being mentioned in a low voice, all of them seemed to be watching the show.

As if waiting to see Qiao Nian's downcast appearance.

She grabbed the palms of her hands hard, and walked quickly all the way, lest she didn't control her temper and rushed up to give those eight women a slap.

When she finally rushed into the laboratory, she slammed the door hard to shut out those unpleasant voices.

(End of this chapter)

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