Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3481 Which word in that email said to fire Qiao Nian

Everyone in the lab heard her slamming the door shut.

Cao Yanhua and Han Cheng put down the test tubes in their hands and looked at her.

Xu Yi also raised her head and glanced at Xue Zhu who rushed in angrily. Qingjun's face showed no emotion, and her cold eyes seemed to know what Xue Zhu was angry with. She lowered her thick eyelashes and focused on the experiment in her hand again.

Shen Qingfeng is used to taking care of others, seeing Xue Zhu blushing with anger, he was the first to ask her: "What's wrong? Why are you so angry."

Xue Zhu slapped the experiment report on the table to show Shi Fu, feeling uncomfortable: "It's not those people outside."

Seeing that other people were looking at her, she endured it, and still defended Qiao Nian: "They're all talking about Qiao Nian's dismissal! One by one, it's very ugly, as if Qiao Nian was fired, they can enter the experiment room!"

She knew that those people outside were jealous of Qiao Nian as a person from a non-independent continent, not to mention being able to enter the research institute smoothly, and being valued by Feng Yu and Shi Fu.

Now Qiao Nian looks unlucky...

These people couldn't hide their jealous faces, and began to watch the excitement there with a strange look.

Xue Zhu sat down on the stool and really couldn't figure it out: "You say why the dean fired Qiao Nian, I really don't understand..."

Shen Qingfeng and the others stopped talking.

Don't say that Xue Zhu doesn't understand.

They don't understand either!

Judging from their understanding of the dean over the past year, the dean has great expectations for Qiao Nian. Will the first research institute be handed over to Qiao Nian in the future, or will he be half begging and half begging .

It is impossible to expel Qiao Nian.

But like those people outside, they also received internal emails from the institute.

Feng Yu wrote very clearly in the email that Qiao Nian has nothing to do with the First Research Institute.

Han Cheng comforted her: "Don't think too much about it, there is still a turning point. Aren't Team Leader Zhou and the vice president looking for the dean? They will find out when they have a good talk with the dean."

"But didn't the dean miss them?" Xue Zhu's voice became weaker and weaker.

Now even Han Cheng didn't know how to comfort her.

Because he didn't know what the dean and Qiao Nian were doing, and why there was such a mess all of a sudden.

Xu Yi was the only one in the whole laboratory who focused on his own affairs. Even Xue Zhu noticed him, pursed his lips, and opened his mouth to say something.

They were squeezed out by the whole institute at that time, and they were nicknamed the 'death team' in private.

It was all thanks to Qiao Nian that he took them step by step to where they are today and became the nominal team member of the vice president.

How does she think Xu Yi doesn't seem to be in a hurry?

"Xu Yi, don't you care about Sister Nian?"

Xue Zhu is actually a little older than Qiao Nian, but Qiao Nian usually has a strong personal aura, so she would occasionally unconsciously call other people Sister Nian.

Xu Yi shook the test tube in his hand, the lights of the laboratory reflected on him, he became more indifferent and aloof, without raising his eyelids: "The dean didn't say to fire her."

Neither salty nor light tone.

calmer than everyone else.

Xue Zhu was taken aback for a moment, forgetting to refute for a moment.

Xu Yi waited for the reagents in the test tube to complete the chemical reaction, and wrote down the data in the notebook before looking into her eyes: "Which word in the email sent by the dean said that she will not be a member of the First Research Institute in the future?"

Xue Zhu was taken aback for another moment, thinking about it for a while, and bit her lip uncertainly: "It seems that I didn't say anything."

——But that email was meant to disentangle the relationship.

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