Chapter 3594 Sister Nian mixed in
The elevator door slammed shut, and the fat executive who accompanied him disappeared from sight.

Shadow tightly held the suitcase in his hand, and slowly walked towards the huge safe in front.

He faintly felt that there was still a pair of eyes watching his every move, but there was no one around.

Shadow walked to the door of the vault. He didn't know where his sixth sense came from. He suddenly looked up at the hidden camera in the corner at the top of the corridor.

That glance happened to meet Qiao Nian's gaze.

At this moment, outside the brightly lit building, the girl leaned against the tree and let out a sigh, raised her hands and raised her peaked cap, narrowed her delicate eyes, and watched with great interest the man in the video staring at the camera with eyes like a poisonous snake. .

That look seemed to discover her existence!
An ordinary person might have already panicked.

Qiao Nian didn't panic, she even licked her lips, took out another fruit candy from her pocket and tore it open, slowly waiting for the man's next move in the video.

She believes in her craft.

It is impossible for Shadow to guess that she is here, so the so-called staring at the 'surveillance camera' is nothing more than his body's keen sense of facial features cultivated through years of extreme training.

He should be aware of it, but there is no evidence.

Speculation without evidence won't last long.

Qiao Nian pressed the tip of her tongue against the candy, and lowered her eyes again. Sure enough, she frowned and looked away when she saw the man who was staring at the camera and trying to catch her.

After hesitating briefly, he reached out and pressed on the metal door of the vault.

You Lan's verification place popped up his palm texture information, and after about a minute, Qiao Nian saw the heavy metal door open in front of him through the monitoring...

Shadow also walked in with the suitcase at this moment.

After he entered, the metal door of the vault closed, and the surveillance video became empty again, leaving only a corridor.

Qiao Nian propped her chin with her fingers, her expression was relaxed, as if she had expected that she would not be able to see the scene inside the vault.

According to her short-term observation, there are two surveillance systems inside and outside the vault.

What she invaded was only the monitoring system belonging to Smith Bank, and she did not have the authority to get the monitoring system of the vault.

Qiao Nian licked the candy with the tip of her tongue for a while.

It didn't take long for her to see the door of the shadow vault open again, and the disappearing man came out with no suitcase in his hand.

She looked like a lone wolf ready to hunt, with the corners of her mouth curled up, leaning against a tree beside the road and waiting patiently...

Soon Shadow came out of the building, and accompanied by several people, got back into the Rolls Royce, and the car drove into the night...

After the buttocks of the Rolls-Royce disappeared and the people at the bank turned around and went back, she pressed her hat, moved her hands, and walked towards the row upon row of buildings at a leisurely pace.

As the largest fund transfer office in M ​​state, Smith Bank has financial elites working 24 hours a day to ensure that every fund transferred through the bank can be transferred smoothly.

So it's not surprising that someone comes to the bank at 9 o'clock.

Qiao Nian had already created an identity for himself when he hacked into the bank's security system, and got the fingerprint code of that person who usually signed in.

When she entered the bank, she scanned the QR code with her mobile phone very calmly, walked across the brightly lit marble floor, and walked to the elevator.

The shadow had just left, and the front desk was the most relaxed and weak moment. Almost no one noticed that another person came in, waiting for the elevator at the elevator.

(End of this chapter)

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