Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3595 She only has half an hour

Chapter 3595 She only has half an hour

The front desk is still talking about the previous episode.

"Well, did you see that? That's his right-hand man, right? I guess it's him from the respectful look of our President Kerry."

"I don't know either. I was on vacation when you saw it last time, and that person doesn't come here often. I haven't seen the person who told you so far."

"Didn't you see it just now? It's that person, the man in black, the right and left hand. I know the car parked outside."


Then the elevator came down.

The girl wearing a peaked cap listened to the gossip and laughter wafting from her ears, and entered to pick up the goods without squinting.

The elevator doors closed.

Someone at the front desk noticed the little movement in the elevator, glanced at the elevator entrance, and said strangely: "I just saw someone enter the elevator."

"People from the technical department!" Her companion patted her on the shoulder and said nonchalantly, "I saw it too. The people in the technical department are just like this. They are all night owls and work long hours of overtime, so people often come at this hour."

The young receptionist who was skeptical also felt that what the little friend said made sense, and left the figure in his mind behind.

"…may be."

She said so, but her heart was still a little beating.

The main reason is that the figure she just saw didn't seem to enter the employee elevator, but the elevator used by the big man mentioned by her colleagues just now.

Others are still talking about the previous topic.

Tell me how powerful that person is and how high his status is.

She felt that she was thinking too much.

No one would dare to come to Smith Bank alone to find fault, she must have misread the elevator because she was dazzled just now...

Go all the way up in the elevator and stop at the 8th floor.

With a ding, the elevator doors opened.

The girl pulled down the brim of her peaked cap to cover her delicate and eye-catching eyebrows, and walked out slowly.

She had already hacked this layer of surveillance.

Now the people in the security room will only see the picture she took before, which is the empty corridor and the vault door.

Qiao Nian knew that no one would notice her coming up, so she walked to the door of the metal vault at the end in no hurry.

There is a faint light on the faint blue verification area here, as long as she puts her palm on it, a warning will be triggered, and her whereabouts will be revealed in an instant...

Standing in front of the metal safe, Qiao Nian calmly took out a chip the size of a phone card from his pocket, his eyelashes drooping, and the perverseness in his eyes was suppressed.

In the next second, the chip is attached to the verification place.

Fingerprint lines appeared at the faint blue verification area, gathered into light spots, and there was only a click 0.001 seconds before the alarm was about to sound.

The verification system developed by the world's most advanced scientists was successfully invaded by a virus, and then the blue light flashing on it was replaced by red light. It was also the process of fingerprint lines converging into a palm print, and the palm print before the shadow was engraved in a blink of an eye.


The seemingly impenetrable vault door swung open of its own accord.

Qiao Nian put away the fingernail-sized chip, put it in his pocket, and swaggered into the vault...

This virus can paralyze all systems for half an hour, and the system will return to normal after half an hour. This is also to prevent people from discovering the existence of the virus.

In other words, she must find the antidote within half an hour.

Once the time for the virus to paralyze the system is over, Nie Qingru will immediately find her breaking into the vault——

(End of this chapter)

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