Chapter 3598 Miss Nian is injured

"Empress, what happened?" Although Miss Xiboer felt that she should shut up, she still had to make a fuss when she heard the voice.

Nie Qingru seemed to have entered her own world, she didn't hear her voice at all, her eyes were red, and she wanted to kill someone.

She saw the girl in the surveillance camera who was supposed to be in Independent Island just looked up, as if she was looking at her from afar.

Nie Qingru's nerves were sharply stabbed, and his face was distorted and furious.

"Joe Nian!"

She didn't expect that one day the members of the Ji family would dare to destroy the most untouchable wound in her heart, and that kind of overwhelming anger swept over her, almost making her lose her mind.

"How dare she! How dare she!"

She didn't dare to say anything.

Miss Sipple was frightened by her reaction at this moment, she stood there helplessly, wanted to speak but didn't know what to say.

Nie Qingru completely forgot that she existed, and after being furious, pressed her temples to force herself to calm down, turned around and got into the car, and slammed the door.

Extremely suppressed angry voice.

"go to bank!"

The black Rolls Royce drove towards Smith Bank, like a poisonous snake running in the dark.


In the car.

Nie Qingru still had a cold face, with a terrifying aura lingering around her, she immediately called Yingying.

The alarm was also received over there, and it was picked up immediately.

"Queen, I'm already rushing over there, and I've ordered the bank not to let anyone out."

"I won't let her escape!"

When Nie Qingru heard his assurance, her face was still terrified: "If you can't keep her people, you can keep her life."

"..." Even the shadow on the other end of the phone was stunned and silent for a moment, never expecting her to give such an order.

Nie Qingru's meaning was very clear.

If she can't keep Qiao Nian's person today, she can ask for a dead one!

But the queen and Qiao Nian are related by kinship.

Qiao Nian is the only descendant of the Queen in this world.

Is the queen going to kill her?
Shadow thought of Nie Qixing again, and somehow his voice was much lower: "Yes."

Nie Qingru could hear the silence in his voice, and said coldly, "She's not my granddaughter. She's just an evil with Ji Wu Falcon's blood on her body!"

That dirty, disgusting blood.

She thought it was extinct 20 years ago.

Who knew that she would still be pecked by an eagle today.

Nie Qingru was no longer the woman who could only compromise. Decades of ups and downs had made her stand at the pinnacle of power, so how could she tolerate Qiao Nian's retreat.

She wanted the life of this little evil today!
"I want her to come and go, understand?" Nie Qingru sat in the car and asked lightly, as if saying that the weather was fine.

Rather than a grandmother mentioning her granddaughter.

The shadow is no longer silent this time: "Yes, empress."

The mechanism at the bottom of the safe made Qiao Nian think so much.

But she reacted quickly.

The moment the vault door closed, he dodged and rolled out, and if he was half a second later, he would be stuck inside and could only be caught with his hands tied.

She knew she was running out of time.

The person below must be taking the elevator and going up to arrest her.

She turned around and ran towards the emergency stairs on every floor, and then chose to run in the opposite direction without any hesitation.

She didn't go to the first floor according to her inertial thinking.

Instead, run up towards the 9th floor.

The steel needle pierced the wound on her arm and tore the muscles. She had to endure great pain every step she took, but Qiao Nian's steps were firm and her movements were not slow at all.

(End of this chapter)

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