Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3599 Found the person who was knocked out in the men's bathroom

Chapter 3599 Found the person who was knocked out in the men's bathroom
She went up to the 9th floor first.

When the others heard the alarm and were still panicking about what happened, they walked quickly into the women's bathroom, entered a compartment, and pulled out the [-] cm long steel needle on their right arm through gritted teeth.

The gushing blood immediately wet the sleeves of her sweater. Qiao Nian turned pale, and tore off the fabric of the T-shirt inside to tie it under the wound, temporarily stopping the bleeding.

She threw the steel needle on the ground, then left the bathroom without a sound, put on her peaked cap in a hurry, turned to the stairs again, and walked to the 11th floor.

At the corner, I found a single female employee rushing over to cover her mouth, knocking her unconscious with a hand knife and dragging her into the bathroom.

This time she didn't go into the women's room but chose the men's room, swapped the clothes on her body with the women's staff, and then supported the person to sit outside the first cubicle of the bathroom, and closed the window of the bathroom, lest the other party catch a cold during the coma .

Only then did he put the peaked cap on the other party's head, took off the female staff's glasses and put them on his own, and walked out unhurriedly.

Sirens were blaring throughout the building.

Many people don't know exactly what happened, they just know it's not a good thing.

Everyone's attention was on the alarm. No one noticed when Qiao Nian in uniform appeared, let alone saw her take out the fire alarm hammer and tap on the fire alarm.

She waited for someone to be doused by the fire sprinkler above her head before she yelled in a guiding voice: "'s on fire."

At this time, everyone's nerves are highly tense.

Suddenly being sprayed by the fire sprinkler above their heads made them terrified enough, and when they heard someone yelling for fire, everyone panicked to the extreme.

At this time, someone shouted: "Run! Run downstairs!"

The others reacted suddenly as if they had found their backbone. They turned around and ran downstairs without bothering to pick up their things.

It can be garish to go down alone.

But dozens of hundreds of people were running down, and that one person was like a drop of water entering the sea, completely hiding his whereabouts.

The movement on the 11th floor also affected other floors. Some people saw others looking down and running down, and they ran down in fear even though they didn't know what happened.

There are more and more people going down.

No one saw that a strange face in uniform and rimless glasses was also mixed in, and they went to the first floor with them.


Shadow rushed to the vault, opened the coded door and found that it was empty, and there was no shadow of Qiao Nian at all.

He knew that people ran away.

He immediately blocked the elevator, trying to block the people going down from the elevator.

But soon he found that Qiao Nian didn't seem to have come down from the elevator, he remembered the emergency exit stairs in the building, and led people to search all the way from the first floor to the eighth floor.

Surprisingly, there was still no trace of Qiao Nian.

Only then did Shadow realize something, and led people upstairs to look for it.

They quickly found a bloody steel nail in the bathroom on the 9th floor. Shadow ordered the entire floor to be searched, but the girl was not found.

He rubbed his eyebrows again, forcing himself to calm down, and continued to search upwards.

On the 10th floor, they went straight to the bathroom.

However, this time the restroom on the 10th floor was extremely clean and there was nothing.

Then there are 11 floors.

The women's restroom was still empty and unoccupied.

But soon the people under him reported the news to him.

"A female employee in the men's restroom was knocked out and placed in the aisle, and her clothes were changed..."

The shadow immediately reacted and said sharply: "Take me there!"

(End of this chapter)

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