Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4025 Master Wang knows how to kill people

Ye Wangchuan had a smile in his eyes, like ripples in a pond, very gentle and noble: "Okay."

The scene of them leaning together and biting their ears as if no one else was around seemed much more glaring to others. At least Lu Zhi couldn't maintain his indifferent expression, and sneered.

"Heh!" He could tell that the other party did it for him on purpose!
But he still couldn't help the blood in his stimulated chest surged, and his face was extremely ugly.

Jian Jin has been watching Lu Zhi's reaction from the beginning, seeing Lu Zhi's face downcast and his heart in his throat, lest Lu Zhi turn his face on the spot.

Fortunately, Boss Lu just had an expression of swallowing a fly, and he didn't show it as if he was trying to compete with others.

Jian Jin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

at the same time.

Ye Wangchuan called Qiao Nian who was about to go away: "Nian Nian."

Qiao Nian paused slightly, asked him with his eyes, turned back very patiently, stood in front of him, and raised his jaw: "What's wrong?"

Ye Wangchuan raised his hand, lowered his eyes to straighten her cap, and pushed her hair behind her ears before whispering: "Your hair is messed up."

Qiao Nian felt the man's cool fingertips brushing against the skin of her ear pinnae, as if it caused a tingling sensation from an electric shock, that piece of skin was extremely hot.

But she was used to the other person's touch, so she didn't feel anything. She raised her eyelids slightly, and her beautiful pupils reflected the man's outstanding face.

"Any thing else?"

With one hand in her pocket, she tied her ponytail loosely, and the tail of her hair was draped over her shoulders, showing a rebellious temperament all over her body.

However, anyone with eyes can see that her attitude towards Ye Wangchuan is different, that is, she wants to be more natural and harmonious.

It's as if the two should stand together, and the aura of standing together is so compatible, like two points destined to meet!
At this moment, Jian Jin couldn't help admitting that the picture of the two standing together looked like a golden boy and a jade girl.

She glanced in Lu Zhi's direction again, and could only see the back of Lu Zhi's head.

She looked at Big Brother Lu and looked ahead. Under the calm look, the veins in her hands on the blanket were bulging, which showed how miserable she was from being angry.

"Boss..." Jian Jin didn't know how to comfort him for a while.

Lu Zhi took a deep breath: "I know what he wants to do. I just won't let him do what he wants!"

In front of him, Ye Wangchuan talked to Qiao Nian in a friendly manner, and called him back to fix his hat, didn't he just want him to retreat in the face of difficulties?

If he didn't leave, he would have to talk to Qiao Nian alone.

Let's see who gets angry with whom!

When Lu Zhi was talking to Jian Jin, Ye Fanchuan glanced in their direction out of the corner of his eye, and saw that Lu Zhi was sitting in a wheelchair and had no intention of leaving.

He took a step away from the girl and whispered, "I'll wait for you inside."


Qiao Nian didn't feel the undercurrent between the two.

In her eyes, whether Ye Fanchuan asked her where to wait, or stopped her to help tidy her hat, it was a trivial matter, and it didn't take much time.

Seeing Ye Wangchuan's eyes, she pursed her lips and said, "I'll be back soon."

"En." Ye Wangchuan curled up his thin lips, very magnanimous.

On the contrary, Qiao Nian felt that it was not good for her to go away and talk to Lu Zhi and Jian Jin alone, and secretly planned to go back to them as soon as possible.

Only Moxi on the side sees through everything, looks at Ye Fanchuan who is strategizing, and then looks at Qin Si who is bewildered, and finally understands what Gu San means when he is too doggy.

As for Wang Ye's black belly, dog B's deadly wrist, and the disgusting energy just now, he has seen it.

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