Tian Chen's face remained calm, and the veins on his wrists were all pissed off.

But Miss Qiao hasn't noticed anything wrong yet.

Moxi walked over to help the injured man's arm, walked to the airport, and asked in a low voice, "Master Wang, are we really not waiting outside for Miss Qiao?"

Ye Wangchuan raised his thin lips and walked inside: "Go in and wait."

Moxi understood what he meant.

Since Jian Jin came to her door, she wanted to have a private chat with Ms. Qiao.

It's a bit boring for them to stay outside.

Master Wang went in and waited. First, he believed in Miss Qiao, and second, he looked down on his opponent.

Qiao Nian walked up to Jian Jin and Lu Zhi, didn't look at the young man in the wheelchair, and said to Jian Jin, "Go to the side and talk."

They were standing right at the entrance of the airport. There were so many people here that it was inconvenient to talk.

She took the lead and walked to the relatively quiet blank area on the side.

Jian Jin pushed Lu Zhi to follow after hearing the words.

Wait for the three of them to come to a secluded waiting area.

The girl stopped, turned to face the two and said, "What do you want to tell me?"

She was looking at Jian Jin.

He was also talking to Jian Jin.

As for Lu Zhi.

She ignored it from beginning to end.

Jian Jin was not stupid, she saw Qiao Nian's attitude, and subconsciously looked in Lu Zhi's direction, but standing behind Lu Zhi, she could only see the back of his head, not the expression on Lu Zhi's face.

She hesitated, and said: "Boss Lu and I heard that you were leaving, so we wanted to come and see you off. In addition, we brought some gifts for uncle."

The uncle she mentioned must be Qiao Nian's father, Jiang Zongjin.

Lu Zhi's voice was low and hoarse: "It's not tea."

"Uncle seems to be very interested in chips. Tianchen recently developed a robot with chips embedded in it... If he likes it, he can take it apart and study it."

Jian Jin was a little surprised, and looked over again: "Lu..."

Before they came, she told Lu Zhi that she would prepare some presents for QIAO's father, and she was afraid that Mr. Lu would give him tea again.

Specifically told him to send it to the knife edge, to give QIAO or QIAO's father something that he likes.

Unexpectedly, Boss Lu would directly send out a cutting-edge project that Tianchen hadn't promoted on a large scale as a gift. This amount...

But she quickly came to her senses and helped to speak up: "Joe, just accept it. This is the boss's wish, nothing else."

Qiao Nian's eyes slid across her face, and then landed on the face of the young man in the wheelchair, as if he wanted to see something.

In the end, she withdrew her gaze and said with a cold and tired expression, "No need."

Jian Jin subconsciously called her: "QIAO."

"I told you last time. I think I made it very clear." She looked at Jian Jin, and interrupted Jian Jin's unspoken words concisely.

Jian Jin's eyes were filled with embarrassment, and she still wanted to refute Lu Zhi: "We've known each other for so long..."

Qiao Nian interrupted her again, extremely forcefully: "It's because we've known each other for so long that I said no."

She looked at the silent man, looked at him indifferently, and said, "Lu Zhi, we will be strangers from now on. We will deal with strangers as we please. You don't need to prepare gifts for my family. I won't accept your gift either."

Because these are things that only friends do.

They are no longer friends now.

After Qiao Nian finished speaking, she turned to leave.

At the beginning, Lu Zhi could tolerate Ye Wangchuan's deliberate tricks, but now that Qiao Nian said these words himself, he said unbearably: "A stranger, right?"

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