Zhang Yang has been invading in the circle all the year round, and he has become a human being now, how can he have no means?

So when Li Mo changed the meaning of her words in a casual tone, her attitude towards her immediately faded, and she said in a cold tone that she didn't even want to maintain her appearance: "Miss Li, don't care who the others are, just remember It is not allowed in the group to take the name that hits that ID."

Li Mo scratched her fingernails. She didn't expect his speech to be so blunt and ugly. After embarrassment, she didn't want to offend Zhang Yang, so she said, "I see. I'll go back and change it later."

Zhang Yang lost his interest in talking to her: "I still have things to do, so I won't talk to Ms. Li. Goodbye."

Li Mo's cheek muscles twitched, she held back her words, and managed to maintain an elegant attitude: "88."

Zhang Yang simply hung up the phone.

"Beep..." Li Mo heard the beep coming from the phone, put away the phone heavily with a gloomy face, and pressed the bag on her knees.

"Miss Li, are you ready to go?" The driver in front asked softly through the rearview mirror after seeing her finish the phone call.

Li Mo suppressed the haze in her eyes, pursed her lips slightly: "Yes."

The next day.

Qiao Nian didn't wake up until twelve o'clock at noon.

When she went downstairs, she saw Gu San making lunch and putting it on the dining table waiting for her to eat together.

The man in white home clothes is sitting on the sofa in the living room and is flipping through the latest financial magazines. The cotton and linen slacks cover his body to outline his long legs. The simple home casual clothes are worn by him as if the president in the TV series gets up early in the morning. sense of sight.

Even the ray of sunlight that came in from the window looked after him, and it fell gently on the ends of his hair, like adding another thick ink color to the painting scroll.

Qiao Nian has always appreciated beautiful things, otherwise she wouldn't be able to be a designer.

So when she came down the spiral staircase and saw the scene below, she naturally slowed down and whistled loudly.


It's pretty hooligan.

Among the hooligans, there is a bit of unrestrained freedom.

The noise she made alarmed the two people below, Gu San and Ye Wangchuan looked up at the same time and saw the girl come down with her hands in her pockets.

Especially when Ye Wangchuan bumped into her bright and deep eyes head-on, he was taken aback for a moment, then raised his eyebrows, and said hello to Qiao Nian meaningfully: "Morning."

Qiao Nian has already walked down: "Morning."

She opened the refrigerator door to get out of the ice water, but someone reminded her: "Gu San made chicken soup for you, and it's simmering in the kitchen."

Qiao Nian was holding a bottle of mineral water, ready to unscrew the lid: "I'll drink it later."

Ye Wangchuan looked at her with deep eyes: "You drink iced ones, and if you drink hot ones, your stomach will hurt."

Qiao Nian had already unscrewed the cap of the bottle, and said disapprovingly, "Oh, then I'll have the soup later."

After all, she raised her head and gulped a few sips of water to relieve the hotness of just waking up.

After drinking half a bottle of ice water, Qiao Nian felt much more comfortable. She squeezed the mineral water and walked over, leaned on the sofa with one leg propped up, and looked at the man as if thinking about it: "Didn't Chenchen say he would come in the morning?"

Ye Wangchuan flipped through a page of the magazine, closed the magazine, put it back on the coffee table, and said in a natural tone, "He's going to school."

"Hmm." Qiao Nian nodded naturally after thinking about today's Thursday, but didn't take it to heart.

It is normal for students to go to school on Thursdays.

Only Gu San heard the words and secretly glanced in the direction of his master Wang, deeply feeling that Master Wang is a dog!

Ye Qichen, as the bully of Beijing, has been skipping classes since he was three years old, and he didn't even go to school after that.

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