4042 - Ms. Li
In the past year, he has behaved a lot, but the private elementary school he attended was not strict in inspections, and many students would ask for leave and stay at home if they had family affairs or overlapped with their private education outside.

If the young master wants to ask for leave, it's just a matter of calling the teacher.

He remembered that this morning when Master Wang came together, he called the eldest lady, and said righteously that children should not be used to it, and that they should cultivate study habits from an early age.

Then, last night, the young master who said he would come to play with Miss Qiao was sent to school by force.

...So it's not that the young master is going to school at all, it's clearly that the young master wants the young master to go to school!

But it was impossible for him to tell Qiao Nian what he was slandering in his heart, so he could only watch someone lie as an insider, without changing his face or beating his heart, which made him uncomfortable.

"I thought he was on vacation." Qiao Nian replied casually, taking out his phone to check the news.

Just in time to see what Qin Si had sent her saying that Tang Ning and the others held a welcome banquet for her in the afternoon, and Jiang Li also found time to come.

She was fairly familiar with Tangning.

Before Qin Si pulled Zhang Yang and Tang Ning, they often teamed up to play games.

Everyone was acquaintances, Qin Si asked for an appointment, Qiao Nian thought that he had no appointment this afternoon, so he replied with an [OK] emoji.

Turning around, she said to Ye Wangchuan: "Qin Si made an appointment to play together in the afternoon."

"Are you going?" Ye Wangchuan was quite surprised.

Qiao Nian shrugged his shoulders and raised his eyebrow lazily: "Go ahead, I just have nothing to do."

It's meaningless to let her stay in the room in a daze, and she just woke up, and now I tell her to continue to sleep after lunch, but she can't fall asleep...

Qiao Nian was simply flustered.

Ye Wangchuan saw the root cause of her agreement to Qin Si from the boredom in her eyes, and nodded, "Okay, I'll go with you."

Qiao Nian sent a message to Guan Yan, asking her if she would come out to play together, and asked Qin Si to send her the address, and then forwarded the location sent by Qin Si to Guan Yan.


After receiving Qiao Nian's reply, Qin Si notified Zhang Yang, Tang Ning and the others, "It's all right, sister Qiao is coming. Call some more acquaintances, let's have a small gathering."

Zhang Yang is like a fine person, and immediately smiled and said that he arranged it himself.

"Should I call...Miss Li?" Tang Ning entered the entertainment circle. She was a [-]th-tier celebrity at first, but then she had an affair with Jiang Li.

She has been in the top class, and she is not bad for traffic, but she is a group with a bad reputation, and she is often chased and scolded by female fans.Now in a black and red situation outside the second line, there is no shortage of resources, but there are no good resources to find her.

Fortunately, Tang Ning himself was open to it, and the Buddha is in business.

I have been maintaining my tepid career, so I can find something for myself to do, so that I won't face a mess of bad things when I go home.

She mentioned Li Mo not because she has a good relationship with Li Mo, but simply to ask.

After all, everyone in the Beijing circle knew that Li Mo was going to be engaged to Bo Zheng soon, and as newcomers to the circle, they would take each other along to play for Bo Zheng's sake.

Tangning mentioned it casually. She originally thought that she would call Li Mo because of her flamboyant and smooth personality.

Who knew that Zhang Yang would not want to refuse and said: "We have a small-scale gathering this time, there is no need to invite unfamiliar people."

Tang Ning was able to play well with Zhang Yang. She was not considered smart, nor was she stupid.

She immediately judged from Zhang Yang's "unfamiliar person" that she didn't want to play with Li Mo, and immediately changed the topic: "Then I'll call a few friends to play games with."

(End of this chapter)

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