Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4045 Sister Nian Calls Zhang Yang Directly

Chapter 4045 Sister Nian Calls Zhang Yang Directly
"Uh..." The waiter's brain went blank after being reprimanded by her, and he opened his mouth, a little unresponsive.

But Li Mo was full of momentum, like the owner of the big private room, he was also fooled by Li Mo, subconsciously bowed his head to Li Mo and apologized: "Yes, I'm sorry for the guest."

Guan Yan looked at her for a long while in his spare time, as if he was watching something novel and lively, his eyes revealed some interest.

Li Mo, who was watching, was full of anger, and said in a low voice: "Next time you want to find a benefactor, remember to try your luck in another place!"

As she spoke, she walked away like an elegant swan with her head held high and headed towards the bathroom.When she passed by during the period, she didn't even bother to look at Guan Yan...


Guan Yan waited for her to leave before taking out his mobile phone to call Qiao Nian.


The girl's voice was careless and idle, probably walking on the road, and more than one person's footsteps could be heard from the background sound.

Guan Yan didn't embarrass the waiter who was looking at her, and said with a low voice, "Sun, where have you been?"

"underground garage."

The girl probably heard that her question was illogical, and paused for half a second: "Did you encounter something?"


underground garage.

Ye Wangchuan just parked the car, walked over with the car key hooked on one hand, and felt the coolness on the girl's body.

"what happened?"

Qiao Nian was still on the phone with Guan Yan, unable to hear his emotions: "You wait for me where you are for a while, I'll be right there."

Immediately, she hung up the phone, holding the phone with her hand down, feeling dry all over her body, and looked up at the tall and long-legged man beside her.

"Do you know someone surnamed Li?"


Ye Wangchuan thought about it, and then said: "There are not many people surnamed Li in Beijing, so I don't necessarily know them."

"Isn't she from your circle?" Qiao Nian was quite irritable, especially when she heard Guan Yan talking about the other party's unceremonious bad words in public, saying that Guan Yan was for sale.

There was an unknown fire in her heart.

Guan Yan had a bad life in the illegal area before joining the Hongmeng, and she also encountered some bad things, but these years she has long since gotten rid of the shadows and learned to live in the present every day.

But no matter in the illegal area or the Hongmeng, everyone knows that Guan Yan had an unhappy past, so everyone consciously doesn't bring up this topic.

Qiao Nian really did not expect that she would meet such a person when she invited Guan Yan to come to Beijing.

Ye Wangchuan felt that she was rarely angry, thought about picking up the phone and said, "Wait a minute, I'll ask Zhang Yang."

Qiao Nian was one step ahead of him and said first, "I'll do it."

She took out Zhang Yang's phone number in her phone and called.

Putting one hand into his pocket, with a cold face, pursing his lips, he walked towards the elevator.

The other end is connected in seconds.

Zhang Yang didn't know what happened, so he opened his mouth and asked, "Miss Qiao, have you arrived? Where are you? I'll come out to pick you up."

Qiao Nian pressed the up button of the elevator, stood at the door waiting for the elevator, and interrupted him concisely: "Today, you called someone named Li? A woman?"

Zhang Yang immediately sensed that her tone was wrong, and said vaguely, "There is a Miss Li among us, but Tangning and I didn't invite her. She came with another person, and everyone else came, so I didn't have the nerve to let her go. ...Miss Joe, what happened?"

The elevator just came down.

Qiao Nian stood at the entrance of the elevator and said bluntly: "She bullies my friend. I can't play with her. Wait for her to leave before me!"

(End of this chapter)

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