Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4046 Everyone Looks at Her

Chapter 4046 Everyone Looks at Her

"Don't!" Zhang Yang was impatient.

Didn't he save games for two consecutive days just to hold a welcome banquet for Miss Qiao and Mr. Wang.

Now everyone was at the door, and he messed it up.

Zhang Yang will never allow this to happen.

So he immediately said without any hesitation: "Miss Qiao, come here, I'll make it clear to her. We are a small party today, she is not suitable here!"

"Yes." Qiao Nian actually made this phone call with that in mind.

That person didn't mean that Guan Yan was not worthy to go in and play together.

She just wanted that person to see who was unworthy of playing in the box!

Qiao Nian hung up the phone and was still angry, a little upset.

Seeing her go in, Ye Wangchuan raised his hand to press the third floor, pressed the cap on the girl's head, and said with a low smile, "Are you angry?"

Qiao Nian raised her thin eyelids, didn't explain to him the bad experiences Guan Yan had encountered before, and just put the phone in his pocket.

Tell him: "I'm going to pick up Guan Yan later."

Ye Wangchuan saw that she was still angry with that Li, so he withdrew his hand, his deep eyes narrowed slightly, and the bottom of his eyes seemed to be brewing emotions.

Those who are familiar with him will definitely hold their tails between their tails when they see Ye Wangchuan's expression, because usually when he shows this expression, he wants to attack people.

However, there was no one else in the elevator except Qiao Nian.

Li Mo would not know that the woman she casually 'bullied' at the door would be Qiao Nian's friend and one of Zhang Yang's important guests today.

Wait for her to go back from the bathroom.

Li Mo obviously felt that the atmosphere in the box was not right.

Several people came in after she pushed the door open and looked at her.

Those eyes were scrutinizing, sizing up and watching the excitement.

No one sat within a radius of one meter from where she was sitting before, as if she had become a virus-infected body, and everyone hid away.

Even Lu Yue, who brought her here, blushed and stood beside Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang shut up only when she pushed the door in.

But Lu Yue looked at her with a clear taste of accusation.

……what's the situation?
Li Mo, even if her nerves are slow, can still feel that these strange things are aimed at herself.

But she had no idea why this happened.

Li Mo could only sit back in her seat with all eyes on her, frowning, thinking about how to break the weird atmosphere in the box, and by the way asked someone to ask what happened when she went to the bathroom.

I saw a swaying young woman in a water-green suspender dress walking up to her with a red wine glass, and greeted her with a chuckle: "Miss Li?"

Li Mo raised her eyes and looked over, vaguely remembering that the woman in front of her was called Tang Ning, she was from around the city, she was now working in the entertainment industry, she was a female star.

"Ah, you're Tangning? I've heard your name before. You acted in a good TV series." She has always been downright contemptuous towards people whose family background is inferior to hers. Tang Ning was ignored.

For example, Tang Ning had never acted in a TV series, but she just opened her mouth, which was enough to show that she didn't care and didn't pay attention to others.

Tangning didn't change her face, and thanked with a slight smile, "Really? It's fine if Ms. Li likes it."

Li Mo could feel the gazes looking at him from all directions, so she simply looked at him without going around in circles and said, "This is Miss Tang?"

She pointed to the red wine glass in Tangning's hand meaningfully, her question was very strong.

(End of this chapter)

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