Nanling sat upright, not letting up at all: "Yes, Uncle Tang."

Nan Tianyi looked at his tense back, stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder twice, intending to remind him that there was no need to be so nervous.

When the words came to his lips, Nan Tianyi changed his words again: "Are there any arrangements for the evening?"

Nan Ling was stunned for a moment, then realized: "No."

A smile appeared on Nan Tianyi's stiff face, and he pressed down on his shoulder with his hands: "Come and have dinner with me tonight."

He is destined not to have a child of his own in this life.

This is his personal choice.

But for the family, his choice is extremely irresponsible.

Nan Tianyi is not a person who is nostalgic for power, and he has the heart to support the Nanling family to take over his position in the future, so he thought of taking him to dinner with Feng Yu and the others at night, which can be regarded as handing over the contacts of the First Research Institute that he knew to him. he……

Nanling didn't know what Nan Tianyi's plan was, so he hesitated for a moment and nodded: "...OK."

Nan Tianyi was always indifferent to people other than Qiao Nian, so he got up and said to him, "I'll send you the location later, if you arrive before me, just wait for me there."


Nan Tianyi turned his back to him and walked into the small mansion: "Okay, you can go back."

Nan Ling didn't leave right away, and watched him respectfully into the small mansion, and he was never seen again...

Only then did Nan Ling put down his teacup, got up and straightened his clothes, then turned and walked out.

The driver outside waited for a long time before seeing him coming out, and hurried up to meet him: "Master Nan."

"En." Nan Ling responded.

The driver opened the car door for him very perceptively, and covered the top of his head with his hand: "Get in the car."

Nan Ling bent down and sat up.

The driver was about to close the door for him.

Nanling stopped him: "No need for now."

The driver let go of his hand in confusion: "Okay."

Nan Ling took out his mobile phone from his suit pocket, leaned against the back of the leather chair and said in a deep voice, "I won't go back, just wait here for a while, I will call you."

Nan Tianyi invited him to dinner, and he needed to wait for the address here.

The driver stood there helplessly, waiting obediently for him to call.

Nanling ignored him, bowed his head to unlock the phone, and saw several group messages reminding him.

He didn't think too much about opening it, and saw several complaints sent by Kevin in the group.

Nan Ling was stunned.

Ji Nan friend?Rare earth?How many rare earth mines are there?

His first reaction was not that he missed a good opportunity, but subconsciously thought that Ye Wangchuan had lied.

The Nan family controls all the rare earth business in Independence State.

Nan Ling has been exposed to relevant knowledge since childhood, and he is very aware of how precious rare earths exist. The area of ​​​​Independent Continent is limited, and the rare earths they can find are limited. There are no mines such as tungsten and gold, but once they are sold, it will cause shocks in the outside world.

So under such circumstances, it is hard for him to believe that other people own rare earth mines and come to Independent Continent, and he has never heard of such predators coming to Independent Continent before.

Nan Ling stared at the phone for a while, hesitated for a moment and ignored the news in the group.

Ji Nan told him yesterday that he was invited to attend today's party, saying that he wanted to introduce a friend to everyone, so he should go there today.

But Nan Ling has no plans to go there.

He had no shortage of good people around him.

A foreigner from Independent Continent, he didn't need to condescend to meet him, if it wasn't for Ji Nan's friend, he didn't even need to find an excuse to say no today, he would have simply refused!
People outside the Independent Continent are just country bumpkins in his eyes.

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