It turns out he was right.

The man opened his mouth and kept talking about several rare earth mines, and he didn't even know how to write a draft to see if he was bragging.

Most of the other party is a person who has never seen the world.

You may have some rare earth resources in your hands, so you dare to talk about minerals.

Nanling relaxed and leaned on the back of the chair, crossed his hands in front of him, looked cold, narrowed his eyes slightly, and pursed his lower lip.

It happened that Nan Tianyi sent the location.

Seeing the location of the hotel sent by Nan Tianyi, he turned his head and called to the driver: "Let's go, go to Chenyuan."

The driver slipped into the car and put on his seat belt, and asked softly through the rearview mirror: "Master Nan, shall we go directly to Chenyuan?"

The driver also knew about Ji Nan's meeting with his master today, so he asked a lot.

Nanling raised his eyelids: "Go directly to Chenyuan."

The driver was tactful and didn't ask any more questions, and started the car and drove to the city center.

Chenyuan is located in the most expensive area of ​​the most prosperous business district in Independence Island.

One street here is full of top clubs and private clubs, followed by private restaurants with outstanding tastes.

Chenyuan is a private kitchen.

But this private kitchen is notoriously picky.

If you are just an ordinary guest, it is basically impossible to book a place in their home unless you have a certain status.

Of course, the general social status still can't get Chen Yuan to look at you differently. You need to queue up, and you may wait for more than half a year for any reservation in Chen Yuan.

Nanling has heard that the longest time someone waited in line for a full year before making an appointment for reception.

Apart from being notoriously difficult to make reservations, Chen Yuan is most distinctive as a hotel that clearly classifies people.

Ordinary guests can only eat in the bright hall, and people with a little bit of status can eat in the booth next to the window.

Only top-level guests can make reservations for the Chenyuan box.

In other words, many people come to Chenyuan to eat not only for the taste, but also for the "willfulness" of Chenyuan.

They just want to see what level they are in the eyes of the outside world!
Nanling has been here several times before.

He made a private reservation once and was seated in a booth by the window.

This time, he guessed that he should have dinner in the Chenyuan box at night.

After all, Nan Tianyi was going too.

It's no problem to book a box with Nan Tianyi's status.

It's just that Nan Ling didn't know who else would come tonight.

He asked the driver to park the car at the gate of Chenyuan, straightened the buttons of his suit and got out of the car, and walked inside with big strides.

There is a Chenyuan service staff at the door, who bent down and asked intimately: "Hi, do you have a reservation?"


"Please tell me, is your reservation name okay?" the service staff asked politely.

"Nan Tianyi."

Nanling had a straight face and a deep voice.

The waiter quickly raised his eyes to identify him, then lowered his head and led him inside: "Guests, please follow me."

Nanling raised his legs to follow and asked, "How many people are in the box?"

The waiter replied bluntly: "You didn't book a private room."

"..." Nanling paused, a little stunned, apparently unable to react.

Not a box?

He had already walked into the Chen Garden, subconsciously looking at the bright hall, where some people had already sat down to eat.

Nanling frowned, looking at the back of the waiter who was still walking forward, he felt that it was not the hall.

Not a box, not in the lobby...

So where are they having dinner tonight?


Soon he knew where to eat tonight!

Because the waiter led him up to the top floor, and stopped on the roof of the top floor without moving: "This is where you will have dinner tonight."

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