Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4114 I saw sister Nian playing games

Nan Ling looked over in surprise.

Now it is dusk, and the orange-red sunset glow reflects half of the sky and dyes it golden.

The roof on the top floor is dominated by circular sofas, with a dining table in the middle, and a wine storage room next to it. It is full of style everywhere, and it is a quiet environment amidst the noise.

He is from the Independent Continent.

Of course, Nanling knew that there was a higher-level existence in Chenyuan than the box, on the top floor of their house.

He also knew the rules of Chenyuan - he would rather keep the place vacant all year round than allow unqualified people to book a seat.

Who is Tang Shu having dinner with tonight?

Before Nan Ling figured it out.

The waiter interrupted his thoughts: "Young Master Nan, I will bring you here. There are still many people who have not come, why don't you wait here?"

The waiter refers to a place next to the rooftop that is dedicated to resting and waiting for people.

Nan Ling saw a girl he didn't know sitting there, with his back to him, and he couldn't see her face clearly, only a black peaked cap.

The girl sat in a relaxed posture, with her shoulders and neck leaning on the circular sofa, and she seemed to be playing a game with a mobile phone in her hand.

He vaguely heard the 'very good' game sound effect.

Nan Ling wasn't sure about the other party's identity, and he couldn't see the girl's face clearly, but he could see the girl's black hair.

He wasn't sure.

He squinted his eyes and said to the waiter, "Make me a cup of coffee without sugar."


The waiter led him to wait in the rest area next to him, and after setting him up, he went to prepare coffee for Nan Ling in an orderly manner.

Nanling sat not far from the girls.

He could hear the applause of 'very good' coming from the other party's mobile phone several times, but he didn't know which game the other party was playing.

The waiter delivered the brewed coffee to him. Nan Ling held the coffee cup in both hands and took a sip with his head down. When he looked up, he saw someone coming.

He didn't pay much attention at first, until he saw the person's face clearly, he put the coffee in his hand and stood up reflexively.

The dean of the first research institute!

He was taken aback, his heart was full of turmoil, and he looked at the old man walking up the roof in surprise.

The old man was wearing a buttoned Tang suit and a pair of unremarkable black cloth shoes. He was smiling all over his face. He was similar to an ordinary old man, with dark skin and a short stature.

There are a few people around him, and Feng Yu is talking to the people around him all the way.

Nan Ling knew one of them, a middle-aged man with a serious expression, who seemed to be Shi Fu, the vice president of the First Research Institute.

Shi Fu is more low-key than Feng Yu.

It rarely appears in various occasions in the Independent Continent.

He could remember that Shi Fu relied on a time when Xie Tingyun's condition turned serious and he was admitted to the hospital for emergency treatment, and Shi Fu rushed to visit him.

He met once in the hospital.

What's going on tonight?

Both Tarzan figures from the First Research Institute were present.

Nan Ling was in a state of confusion, unable to figure out what the meaning of tonight was. Could it be an internal dinner in the First Research Institute.

What is the origin of the girl who sat there early and played games?

Feng Yu and his party arrived later than Qiao Nian.

Feng Yu and Shi Fu were talking about raw materials on the road, and neither of them paid attention to their surroundings. Naturally, they didn't see Nan Ling standing up in the rest place behind him.

Xue Zhu and Shen Qingfeng of the younger generation had seen Nan Ling, but they didn't know Nan Ling, so they didn't remind Feng Yu and them much.

When the group arrived at the place, they saw Qiao Nian leaning on the sofa with his legs up, playing games vigorously, and the game sound effects came from the phone from time to time.

'good! '

'very god! '

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