Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4115 Emperor Ji is here too

Feng Yu and Shi Fu exchanged looks, and they both saw a smile in each other's eyes.

They turned to greet the others.

"Everyone find a seat."

Shi Fu also said: "Today is just a few acquaintances eating, you don't have to be too nervous, just sit casually."

"Then I'm welcome."

Han Cheng was the most relaxed, he pulled out the chair and sat down casually.

The others, led by him, each found a nearby seat and sat down.

Shi Fu raised his hand to look at the time on his watch, and asked Feng Yu, "How long will it take for the others to arrive?"

Feng Yu also pulled out the chair and found a place for herself to sit down, and also took out her mobile phone to check, it was almost time.

"We came early, they should be here soon."

Shi Fu sat down beside him, tilted his head and whispered: "He will come too?"

Feng Yu didn't react: "Who?"

When he saw it, Fu pursed his lips tightly and realized: "You mean Xiaoye?"

Shi Fu grudgingly hummed: "Will he come over at night?"

Feng Yu smiled and said: "Yes, Nian Nian called him, he should have dinner together."

When Shi Fu heard this, he was silent for two seconds at first, then he snorted coldly, turned his head away, and didn't want to talk anymore, he seemed to be angry again.

Feng Yu knew why he was angry, she smiled and said nothing, turned to the girl next to her and said, "Master Ye and the others haven't come yet?"

Qiao Nian just finished playing a game, put his phone on the table, relaxed, and said, "He called me, he's on his way."

"Oh, it should be soon." Feng Yu nodded.

Qiao Nian looked at the people who came, then looked at Feng Yuding's position, and asked casually, "Is there anyone else at night?"

Feng Yu pursed her lips and smiled: "I called a few acquaintances over to welcome you and have a meal together."

"Hmm." Qiao Nian lowered her eyes indifferently.

Just on the way over, another person came.

Feng Yu turned around and saw the person walking over, stood up and said with a smile: "Isn't this here?"

He went up.

"Chief Ji."

With Xie Yun's support, Ji Lingfeng walked towards the rooftop calmly, and greeted Feng Yu politely: "Dean Feng, I haven't waited long."

"I just arrived too." Feng Yu originally wanted to help Xie Yun to help him over, but Xie Yun didn't agree, and kept letting him go and sit down.

Feng Yu stopped insisting, returned to her seat, and by the way pulled away the seat next to her, leaving it to Ji Lingfeng: "Patriarch Ji sit here."

"Okay." Ji Lingfeng walked over and sat down.

Xie Yun also sat down on his right, saw Qiao Nian, and said hello to the girl: "Nian Nian."

"Auntie Xie." Qiao Nian also nodded at her as a polite greeting.

She never looked at Ji Lingfeng, nor took the initiative to talk to Ji Lingfeng.

Of course, Ji Lingfeng was the same, he obviously turned down the arrangement and made time to come over for dinner with Xie Yun, but he just didn't take the initiative, didn't make a sound, sat there with his back stiff, giving people a serious sense of not getting angry.

As soon as he came, Xue Zhu and Shen Qingfeng were silent and did not dare to chat.

Xie Yun looked at Ji Lingfeng, then at Qiao Nian who was exactly the same: "Hey!"

She sighed, shook her head and didn't bother to care about the two men.

Anyway, everyone in Ji's family is so virtuous, it seems that expressing feelings is as difficult as killing them.

"Nian Nian, did you go to Beijing this time to eat roast duck? I heard that the roast duck over there is very authentic. What's the name of one..." Xie Yun found a topic and took the initiative to chat with Qiao Nian.

Qiao Nian knew that she was looking for a topic to ease the atmosphere, so she didn't say anything, and cooperated with her very politely, answered several questions, and said that Xie Yun wanted to go play, and she could take her around when she was free.

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