Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4140 Take care of your sister

"Take care of my sister." Ye Wangchuan turned off the recording, put away his phone, and glanced coldly at the two people with different expressions, quite lazy: "And let your sister change clothes to go out next time. I don't mind other people wearing clothes. clothing style... but, she doesn't deserve it!"

Nanling's face turned blue and turned red, and it was burning hot, the skin on his neck was flushed, and the veins on his neck were bulging.

But every word he said made him unable to refute.

He finally realized where the awkward and unnatural feeling came from when he saw Li Mo for the first time.

Since Li Mo is in the recording...he clearly wants to hook up with this Young Master Ye who came from outside, and then combine with the dressing style of the girl he met last night.

What else does he not understand!
She is deliberately imitating others!

It was because Nanling understood what Ye Wangchuan was talking about that the feeling of being unable to lift his head became stronger, but he was justified and couldn't refute it.


Until seeing Ye Wangchuan walking away.

He breathed out his chest stuffiness as if he was relieved, turned around and met Li Mo who was dodging again, his eyes sank, and he didn't bother to educate this cheap cousin who couldn't beat him, so he turned and told her.

"Come on, I'll take you back."

On the other hand, Qiao Nian was busy until the evening before finishing the experiment.

She took off her blue protective clothing, took off her goggles and put them on the table, looking at Xu Yi who was still analyzing the data in front of the computer: "Let's get here today."


Xu Yi raised his head and took the time to respond to her.

"You go back first, I'll stay and watch the experiment video."

He won't go home?

Qiao Nian looked deeply into his eyes, pursed her lips, drooped her black eyelashes, pondered for a moment and said, "You don't have to suffer like this. If you have unfinished details, you can send them to my computer, and I'll fix them tonight."

Xu Yi moved his hand away from the mouse, finally distracted, facing Qiao Nian said seriously: "It's not your problem, it's because I can't keep up with the rhythm."

He looked at the experiment that Qiao Nian did with the vice president in the afternoon, and it was more than a star and a half higher than the one he did in the morning.

There are also several details that are much more advanced than him.

Xu Yi did not hide from Qiao Nian, and said his own thoughts together. In the end, his face was straight and handsome, without any shyness, and he said with a serious expression: "I stayed here just to watch the video, and then study you and the vice president. The experiment in the afternoon. I couldn’t figure out a few things in the afternoon, and you were busy at the time, so I didn’t have the nerve to bother you, so I just figured it out on my own at night when I have nothing to you don’t have to worry about me.”

Qiao Nian figured out that he didn't suffer for himself, so he didn't have such a big psychological burden. He nodded slightly and said to him: "If you encounter something that is unclear, you can send me a message, and I will get back to you when I see it."

Xu Yi gave her an 'OK' gesture and continued to study hard.

Seeing that he was studying hard, Qiao Nian raised his legs and walked around, went to the small cabinet where he kept his things, took out his mobile phone and peaked cap, put the peaked cap on his head, and held the brim of the cap with cold white hands to lower it.

Then she leaned against the cabinet and turned on her phone.

Qiao Nian used a black mobile phone with no apparent age, the metal paint on the corners and edges was severely worn, and it could be seen that it had been used for many years.

Generally, various problems will appear in mobile phones after a few years of use.

For example, lagging, bad battery, insufficient memory space, etc.

But the mobile phone in her hand obviously didn't have these problems, and it turned on in less than 3 seconds.

As soon as Qiao Nian turned on the phone, there were a lot of unread messages popping up, including text messages, emails, WeChat... and missed calls.

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