She took a general look, picked out a message about David, opened it, took her shoulder bag and went out, and talked to Xu Yi by the way.

"I go first."


Xu Yi looked up.

Qiao Nian raised his hand, waved his hand, and left the laboratory gracefully.

After she pushed the door open, walked to the elevator entrance, and entered the elevator, she had time to look down at the message from David.

[Boss, is your phone turned off? 】

[What happened to the Nie family?Are they crazy? 】

Nie family?

Qiao Nian immersed himself in the experiment all day, his mind was full of tungsten gold wire, hydrogen peroxide, etc., filled with numerous experimental results.

She narrowed her eyes in sleepiness, pinched the bridge of her nose, and only slightly separated herself from the messy information.

His eyes fell on the message sent by David on the screen.

Nie family?

She only knew one person named Nie.

Qiao Nian felt restless in his chest for no reason. He suppressed his emotions and slid his fingertips down to see what David had to say.

[No, boss, have you reconciled with the Nie family? 】

This was three hours ago.

Then, an hour ago, David sent her the last message.

[Boss sees the news and calls me back. 】

Qiao Nian looked at the time and calculated the time difference in continent f. At this moment, David was probably at eight o'clock in the morning, so he didn't know if he had woken up.

She still found David's phone number from her phone and called.

It rang seven or eight times before answering.

"Hello, Sun?"

"You wait for me to get off, right now."

Before Qiao Nian had time to speak, he heard the sound of him turning on the light and the sound of getting out of bed in slippers and pulling the curtains open.

Then there was the sound of slippers coming back, and after a sound of getting dressed, David picked up his phone again.

"All right."

"Boss, what's the situation between you and the guy from M state? Are you reconciled?"

Qiao Nian ignored his question and asked directly, "What happened?"

"Cough." David was a little embarrassed: "It's not a big deal... I just couldn't make up my mind, so I sent you a message."

Qiao Nian interrupted him: "Speak directly."

David probably organized his speech before hemuttering, "Just yesterday, people from the Nie family came to me and wanted to start the diamond business from us."

"It's nothing. We open the door to do business, and we can contact anyone. When people come to ask for cooperation, I just talked to them and wanted to see how much sincerity they can show."

It's what happens after that.

David took a deep breath and continued, "In the end, what they meant was to offer us 37 points, 7% of their profit, and 3% of our profit!"

Continent F's rule has always been 37 points, but it's the other way around, 3 points for the buyer and 7 points for the seller.

After all, everyone knows that diamonds in Continent F are not easy to get. To get diamonds in this kind of place safely and smoothly requires a lot of financial resources to support the lives of the people below.

They treat the aborigines well, which is equivalent to protecting them as their own people, and they also have a series of guarantees for medical care, accommodation and future retirement.

Even if they take 7 cents of profit, in fact, excluding expenses, they can earn about 1 cent of profit.

As a result, the Nie family asked them to pay back the money.

Isn't this a riot?
"Tsk, you didn't refuse them?" Qiao Nian saw the elevator opened, went out, waved for a car, got in the car and gave an address, then sat in the back seat and opened the window to call David.

David was wronged: "Of course I refused!"

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