Chapter 4161 Nanling told you?

Knowing that Saturday is Xie Tingyun's birthday, Nan Zhengyu obediently agreed, saying that he would bring his wife and children with him.

In the past, Nan Tianyi hung up the phone with an 'um'.

But this time he didn't hang up the phone right away, but paused for half a second before asking, "What is Nan Ling doing recently?"

"Him?" Nan Zhengyu didn't understand what this question meant, and replied respectfully: "He has recently followed me to learn how to handle the business of the hall, and he has learned pretty well."


Nan Tianyi responded, neither salty nor bland, neither happy nor angry.

Nan Zhengyu was beating his heart, vaguely aware of the change in Nan Tianyi's attitude towards Nan Ling, and said cautiously: "Brother, what's wrong with Nan Ling?"

Fortunately, Nan Tianyi didn't say anything.

"He's fine."

Nan Zhengyu was about to feel relieved: "That's good, I thought that child did something to make you unhappy."

Nan Tianyi said: "I just think you should pay more attention to his temperament besides teaching him how to take over the business. It's a good thing for a person to have a backbone and be proud enough, but it's not a good thing to be too proud and complacent regardless of the occasion... At least Such a person will not be able to take over the Nan family in the future."

This means... It seems to be reconsidering whether the Nan family will be handed over to Nan Ling in the future!

Nanzhengyu was startled by his words and broke out in cold sweat. His back was dripping with cold sweat, his expression changed, his face turned slightly pale, he held the phone receiver tightly, and said repeatedly: "He has been abroad for several years, and he just returned to independence. It didn't take long for him to go to the state, and I didn't have time to tell him... Don't worry, I will educate him well."

"Yeah." Nan Tianyi was more at ease with him, and his tone softened.

Seeing that he was just talking, Nan Zhengyu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking about what Nan Ling was doing to make Nan Tianyi unhappy.

After much deliberation, all he could think of was that Nan Ling told him that he met Ji Nan's friend at dinner that night, and accidentally offended him.

Could it be that Ji Shao said something?
Nan Zhengyu couldn't think of who else Nan Tianyi would care about besides Ji Nan.I can't really care about Ji Nan's friend from outside during the Independence Week...

So he could only think about Jin Nan, thinking that Jin Nan lost face in front of his friends because of Nan Ling's affairs, but he was so young that he was angry, so he ran to mention something to his uncle, saying that Nan Ling was too arrogant and didn't give face. .

Nan Tianyi also loves Wujiwu.

Because of Xie Tingyun's relationship with Ji Nan, he valued Ji Nan very much, so he mentioned to himself on the phone that Nan Ling was too arrogant in his recent actions.

After Nanzhengyu wanted to pass, Jing Xiaocai said: "Last time Nanling did something wrong, he came back and told me. I also told him that if you have a chance to meet Ji Shao again, you must tell him Make a good apology. He asked him out once before, but didn't get a chance to talk."

"If I meet him at a birthday party this time, I will teach Nan Ling to apologize to him."

Nan Tianyi's tone really relaxed: "He told you?"

Nan Zhengyu hurriedly said: "He told me when he came back that night, but the young man couldn't save face... I will tell him well later."

Nan Tianyi: "He knows to tell you, but he doesn't disappoint me too much. I can't say anything about him. You can talk to him later."

"Yes, yes, yes." Nan Zhengyu agreed with all his mouth, and his heart became more and more sure of what Ji Nan said in Nan Tianyi's ear.

He couldn't figure out why Ji Shao was so nice to a foreign friend.

But since people care about that friend.

Nanzhengyu had to pay attention.

(End of this chapter)

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