Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4162 Do you want to send the mysterious little pill on the black market

Chapter 4162 Do you want to send the mysterious little pill on the black market
Someone from the Independent State?
People from Beijing?
Nanzhengyu didn't know much about Jinan's friends, only some general information.

Nan Tianyi was just talking to him about the dinner, and he would ask the housekeeper to send an invitation letter later, after a short chat, he hung up the phone.

Nan Zhengyu waited for him to hang up the phone, then stood behind the desk and meditated for a long time. After a while, he put down the phone, frowned, and rang the bell for the secretary to come in.

Nan Ling made Nan Tianyi unhappy, he must show a good performance when he goes to Xie Tingyun's birthday party in two days, it's better to put more thought into gift giving.

Nan Zhengyu was thinking about asking the secretary to see if there were any good things in his personal private vault, or he remembered hearing someone said that there was a magic little pill on the black market.

Nan Tianyi and Xie Tingyun are not short of money, nor are they people who care about the value of gifts.

Except for Xie Tingyun's poor health, the two of them lacked nothing... If he could give some of this hard-to-find and useful magic medicine, it would be much better than giving jewelry.

The secretary quickly opened the door and came in.

"President Nan."


Nanzhengyu is an activist.

"You do something for me, go find it..."

The secretary took out a small notebook to record.

In the middle of speaking, Nan Zhengyu suddenly remembered something, and in a flash of inspiration, he thought of a person—Adam.

The little pills come from the black market.

No one knows who the seller is.

In the past two years, resources are scarce and rarely circulated in the market.

He wanted to buy it temporarily, but he might not be able to buy it.

But Adam is a connector on the black market in Independence Island, and he should have resources related to small pills. It happens that Adam wants to buy tungsten gold through him, so he can exchange information with Adam.

Tungsten gold...he might not sell it.

But the little pill... he must get it!

"Mr. Nan?" The secretary took out a small notebook and waited for a long time, but he had to remind him in a low voice.

Nan Zhengyu came back to his senses, his eyes flickered, he waved his hand and said to the secretary: "No need, I'll do it myself."

The secretary, Monk Zhang Er, couldn't figure it out, but he didn't dare to ask further questions. He put away the small notebook in his hand, and respectfully replied, "Okay."

By the way, remind Nanzhengyu of the next itinerary.

"Mr. Nan, you have an appointment to have dinner with Mr. Nie at night. The place is in the box on the third floor of the Intercontinental Hotel. Do you need a driver to take you there?"

Nan Zhengyu remembered this.

The Nie family contacted him the day before yesterday, saying that the old man of the family came here to play and wanted to meet him.

He had asked someone for help before, so it was not easy to turn it down, but there were too many things at hand, and he couldn't spare time for a while, so after asking the secretary, he decided to have dinner the day after tomorrow.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye, and tonight was the day of the previous appointment.

Nan Zhengyu didn't think too much about it: "You arrange it, tell me when the time is up, and ask the driver to drive me there."

"Okay." The secretary bent down slightly.

Nanzhengyu thought about it again, and ordered: "You should be smart at night, and pay the bill as soon as you see it, and don't ask others to give you money."

The secretary bowed his head very understandingly: "Yes, Mr. Nan."

Nan Zhengyu then tore open the collar of his suit, sat back in his seat, adjusted the swivel chair, picked up a large pile of unsigned documents on the table, and looked at them.

"Go out."

The secretary didn't dare to say more, bowed down respectfully, and then quietly withdrew.

at dusk.

After Qiao Nian finished her work and left the First Research Institute, she received a message from Adam.

Just one.

[Nanzhengyu wants small pills, does Sun have a way? 】

Qiao Nian raised her eyebrows, her dark eyes were narrowed, she didn't realize it for a moment, and edited a 【? ] Send it over.

(End of this chapter)

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