Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4178 Are you going to take her to a birthday party?

Chapter 4178 Are you going to take her to a birthday party?

"Okay, thank you, Aunt Song." Li Mo lowered her eyes, very sensible and well-behaved.


Song Ling responded with satisfaction, and followed Nan Ling out.


Outside the hallway.

Nan Ling stopped first and turned to face his mother. Considering that there were still people below, he tried his best to restrain his tone: "Mom, are you going to take her to your aunt's birthday party?"

"What's your name?" Song Ling has always been well protected, even though she is almost 50, she still maintains the innocence of a girl in terms of interpersonal communication.

She didn't see Nan Ling's whole body resisting, and cast a reproachful look: "Li Mo is your younger sister, why are you so stingy as an older brother?"

Nan Ling was so angry that the veins on his forehead twitched, instead of getting entangled with her unrelated relatives, he asked straightforwardly, "Does Dad agree?"

Song Ling was upset: "What do you mean?"

Nan Ling hesitated to speak.

In his educational concept, women should be respected. He told Song Ling about Li Mo's flirtatious operation before, and asking him to say it again, somewhat violated the western gentleman's education etiquette he had received.

Song Ling didn't see that he was not happy, and continued: "Your father didn't say no to my taking Momo with your aunt."

"Mom." Nan Ling didn't know how to reason with her.

Song Ling really didn't want to hear him say: "That's the decision, if you don't want to see Momo, you don't have to go with us."

Her words were irritating.

Nan Ling was overwhelmed by the words for a moment, and watched Song Ling turn around and go back to the room.

The voices of Song Ling and Li Mo could also be heard in the room.

"Aunt Song, isn't Cousin Nanling coming in?"

"What is he doing in here?"

"Is my cousin..."

"Don't worry about him, I'll help you choose clothes, wait, you go and try."

"it is good."

Li Mo's voice stopped abruptly.

Nanling heard Nanmu's angry tone inside, pressed her swollen temples, and dragged her legs to go downstairs.

He was thinking in his heart whether he should tell his father.

Thinking of how many distinguished guests would be at today's birthday party, and how busy his father would be, Nan Ling felt that it would be inappropriate to bother Nan Zhengyu with such a 'trivial matter'.

"Nanling." Song Ya saw the young man coming down the stairs with a sullen face, and couldn't sit still and stood up to call for someone.

Nanling suppressed his boredom a little, said 'hmm', and said to Song Ya: "I'll go out and wait for you, call me when you're done."

"Hey." Song Ya agreed.

Nan Ling left without looking back, and went outside to get some air.


An hour passed.

Song Ling's personal styling team finally finished styling Li Mo.

Li Mo changed her previous intention to imitate Qiao Nian's style, adding a pink feather dress from the Xiangjia show. The long skirt covered her ankles, revealing her fair legs.

Her hair was carefully braided into an elegant bun, and it was adorned with diamond hair accessories that accentuated her stunning complexion.

Li Mo specifically asked the makeup artist to modify the eye makeup part according to her own ideas, and the slightly raised eye shape weakened the delicate temperament brought by this body.

Let her have a sense of uniqueness that is different from others.

Anyone who is a little familiar with Qiao Nian will find here that although Li Mo's style today did not imitate Qiao Nian's usual style.

But her eyes, specially modified by a make-up artist, are very similar to Qiao Nian. From the shape of the eyes to the eyes, she has traces of imitation.

"It's beautiful!" Song Ling didn't notice anything wrong, and when she saw Li Mo came out of the cloakroom after changing, she praised her with a bright light.

(End of this chapter)

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