Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4179 Warn Li Mo in advance not to make trouble

Chapter 4179 Warn Li Mo in advance not to make trouble

Li Mo's eyes flickered slightly, she lowered her head slightly, and said shyly, "I like this dress very much, too."

Song Ling specially helped her choose the dress.

When she said that, she coaxed Song Ling to stretch her eyebrows and eyes, and greeted her with a smile to look in front of the mirror, and put the bracelet she was wearing on Li Mo's wrist to embellish her shape.

Seeing that the time is almost up.

Song Ling didn't dare to delay, and called Li Mo to go out.

Song Ya waited below for a long time, and finally waited until the two came down, and when she saw Li Mo's attire behind her today, she also showed a moment of amazement.

But she soon discovered that Li Mo's eye makeup didn't match the clothes, and when she took a closer look, she could see something tricky inside.

Song Ya looked away unobtrusively, as if she didn't notice, she pulled Song Ling who had just come down and said, "Sister, let's hurry up, Nan Ling has been waiting outside for a long time."

"He hasn't left yet?" Song Ling turned slightly annoyed, and finally showed a good face.

Song Ya smiled and patted the back of her hand: "It's already 11 o'clock, let's go there quickly, don't make brother-in-law wait too long."

Song Ling realized that the time had really dragged on, so she stopped being angry and arranged for the driver to drive the car outside to wait for them.


Li Mo obediently followed Song Ling out, and ran into Nan Ling who was smoking outside.

Seeing them coming out, Nanling stubbed out the cigarette butts, straightened his legs, walked aside, threw the cigarette butts into the trash can, and greeted Song Ling directly without looking at Li Mo.

"Mom, let's go."

Song Ling was annoyed that he didn't give face to his sister and Li Mo, but after all, it was his own son, so he waited outside for more than an hour.

She was so angry that she didn't argue with Nanling any more. She turned her head and said to Li Mo: "I'll take the car behind with your aunt, you can go with Nanling."

Li Mo glanced at the man, and nodded in response.

Nan Ling walked around to the driver's seat, opened the door and sat in first, ignoring her intentions at all.

Embarrassed and embarrassing, Li Mo had no choice but to lift the hem of her skirt, go around to sit in the co-pilot, and fasten her seat belt by the way.

As soon as she sat down, Nan Ling started the car, and the sports car drove off like an arrow.


Approaching 12 o'clock.

Luxury cars gather in front of the hotel.

Many characters who have not been seen for a long time have appeared today.

Simon, the former president of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce, appeared outside the hotel and attracted the attention of many people.

But there are still a lot of people arriving one after another, and even Simon is just a short-term attention, and he is attracted by the new guests.

It was at this time that Nanling's sports car drove to the hotel entrance.

He pulled out the car key and threw it to the parking man.

Before getting out of the car, Nan Ling turned his head to look at the woman who was silent all the way.

"I don't want to worry about the previous things with you, but this time is different. If you do the same things as before, even if my mother likes you again, our family will not tolerate you. Understand?"

Li Mo clenched her legs and skirt, and nodded humiliatingly under his gaze: "I know."

Nanling put down a sentence: "I hope you really know."

Immediately, he ignored Li Mo, opened the door and got out of the car.

It happened that Song Ling and the others' car stopped slowly behind, Song Ling and Song Ya got out of the car, before Song Ling could ask.

Nan Ling interrupted his mother's words: "I'll go see if Dad needs help."


He didn't care if Song Linggao was unhappy, so he left first.

Song Ling was quite annoyed by his actions, but she was surrounded by guests who came to Xie Tingyun's birthday party, so she didn't dare to lose face on such an occasion.

Fortunately, Song Ya knew how to observe words and expressions, and comforted her in a low voice, stroking her back: "Okay sister, let's go in too."

(End of this chapter)

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