Chapter 4202
She originally suspected that something happened when Ye Fanchuan went out to answer the phone.

More sure now.


Wait for someone to go almost.

Qiao Nian put his legs together, put his elbows on the table, and sat in a very unrestrained posture. He looked at the few who refused to leave and said, "Tell me, what's the matter."

Nan Tianyi is also back now.

When he walked over, he saw Qiao Nian confronting Nan Zhengyu and the others, he immediately frowned, blocked the girl without a trace, and lowered his face.

"What's going on here?"

"No, it's nothing." Nanzhengyu was in distress.

At this moment, Ye Fanchuan who sent Feng Yu away also came back.

When Nanzhengyu saw the young man who came back, it was like seeing the knife hanging above his head getting closer...

He didn't have a meal all afternoon.

I have been thinking about how to tell my elder brother about this matter in my heart. After thinking about it for a long time, in the face of Nan Tianyi's sharp and substantive gaze, he couldn't even open his mouth.


He didn't want to understand, but Song Ya did.

Song Ya stood up and said straight to Qiao Nian: "Are you his girlfriend?"

"Him?" Qiao Nian raised his eyebrows and looked.

Song Ya pointed at Ye Fanchuan who just came back, opened her mouth and said, "He hooked up with my niece in private, and tricked my niece, a little girl, into being tempted and did something stupid."

"Today we met scum, and we couldn't explain it clearly, so we were unlucky. But sister, I also want to advise you, such a man is not good, I advise you to break up as soon as possible!"

Nan Tianyi's eyelids twitched, and before Qiao Nian could speak, he immediately asked Nan Zhengyu, "Is this your relative?"

Song Ling had introduced Song Ya to him before.

Nan Zhengyu had a colorful face, angry and anxious: "She...she has a problem with her mind."

Song Ling's face paled even more, she couldn't believe that her sister dared to be so arrogant at this juncture, she was trembling with anger.

"Don't say a word!"

"I'm telling the truth. All right, if you don't let me speak, I won't speak." Song Ya then shut up unwillingly like a victim who was forced to shut up.

Nan Zhengyu hurriedly apologized to Qiao Nian: "She's talking nonsense, don't take it to heart."

However, Qiao Nian narrowed her eyes, restrained the foolishness on her face, and looked a little more serious: "How old are you? Call me sister."

Song Ya didn't expect her focus to be so strange, shouldn't she care about her boyfriend cheating!

Qiao Nian asked again: "How old is she?"

Guan Yan snorted: "The little girl at 27? The old girl who sells matches and the queen who sells melons are all together."

Li Mo was suddenly humiliated, her face flushed red, her almond eyes stared angrily at Guan Yan, wishing she could tear her up and eat her.

Guan Yan has never seen such a big storm before, and he doesn't care about Li Mo's 'childish and stupid' threats, and deliberately provokes her: "Why, I was wrong? Are you not 27? Are you already 30?"

"You!" Li Mo's face was flushed with blood, and Guan Yan was so angry that he jumped up.

Fortunately, Nan Tianyi interrupted her, looked at Nan Zhengyu with menacing eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Tell me, what happened."

Nanzhengyu knew that the hotel surveillance video existed, so naturally he didn't dare to tell the truth, so he could only hesitantly tell the story.

Although he tried his best to weaken his own existence, in front of an old Jianghu like Nan Tianyi, he could roughly guess the whole truth from his description.

Now Nan Tianyi was almost half-dead from anger at their muddleheaded behavior, pointing at Nan Zhengyu's nose, he rarely got angry: "You, you guys, you're doing great!"

(End of this chapter)

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