Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4203 Your family's affairs, solve it yourself

Chapter 4203 Your family's affairs, solve it yourself

He selected Nanzhengyu from many side branches, not only because of Nanzhengyu's own ability, but also because of Nanzhengyu's respect for his wife.

He didn't expect that Nanzhengyu would do such things as disregarding right from wrong and bullying others for Song Ling's relatives.

What's more, let Ye Wangchuan break up with Niannian?
And threatened that if they want to hang out in Independent Island, they can't offend them?
Whoops, a joke!

It's a big joke!

Nan Tianyi can be sure that the reason why Ye Wangchuan didn't directly deal with these idiots was because of his own face.

But how could his old face have so much face to squander on these people?

Qiao Nian was also his wife's lifesaver.

The daughter of an old friend of his wife.

Nan Tianyi was so angry that he was about to lose his mind this time. He tried to take a deep breath, and in front of Nanzhengyu's family, he turned around and asked the girl, "Nian Nian, how do you say to deal with them? Just do as you said!"

"Brother..." Song Ling didn't feel that she was going to be unlucky yet, she still thought that the "they" in Nan Tianyi's mouth referred to Song Ya and Li Mo.

Although she was annoyed that Song Ya did stupid things behind her back, Song Ya was her own sister, her bones were broken and her tendons were connected. She didn't care about Li Mo, and she couldn't ignore Song Ya.

Song Ling's eyes flickered, she wanted to go forward and beg Nan Tianyi to spare Song Ya this time, she would immediately send him out of Independence Island and never show up again.

In the end, before she had time to express, Nan Zhengyu grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. With a sullen face, she said forcefully, "If you still want your son well, just shut up!"


Song Ling didn't react for a while.

Nan Zhengyu continued: "Or if you just want to take care of your natal family, you can go back and live with them."

"What do you mean?" Song Ling's expression changed suddenly: "You want to divorce me?"

However, Nan Zhengyu didn't even look at her, and didn't explain any further, just waiting for Nan Tianyi's most processing results.

Or he was waiting for Qiao Nian to give the result.

But Qiao Nian didn't answer: "You can handle your family's affairs by yourself."

Nan Tianyi could hear the alienation in her words, and felt bitter in his heart, but he was too embarrassed to force him: "...OK."

Qiao Nian took her mobile phone.

She got up and said to Guan Yan and Ye Wangchuan: "Let's go."

Wait for Qiao Nian to leave.

Only Nan Tianyi, Ji Nan and Nan Zhengyu's family were left in the banquet hall.

Just now, out of politeness, Ji Nan didn't want to intervene.

It wasn't until Qiao Nian left that he looked at Nan Ling and the others and clicked his tongue: "You guys really know how to pick people up and bully them, and make such a scandal on your birthday."

Nanzhengyu kept complaining, and quickly explained: "I didn't expect him to be monitored by the hotel."

"I don't want to make the birthday party unsustainable because of this matter, so my head gets crazy and I want to press the matter as soon as possible."

Ji Nan snorted: "You don't know that people can get hotel surveillance? Then you don't know who they are, and you still indulge your relatives who came out of nowhere to frame them?"

Nan Ling couldn't stand it anymore: "Isn't he your friend?"

Ji Nan made a 'stop' gesture, looking at him like looking at a fool: "I don't have the ability to get the hotel surveillance."

"So you don't know the origin of the family until now?"

He really didn't know how to describe people like Nan Ling, pure idiots.

Ji Nan's many years of aristocratic education are engraved in his bones, otherwise there is a high probability that he will directly scold him, a bunch of idiots who have no eyesight.

"That Young Master Ye and Yaomen..." Nan Zhengyu was awakened by him, remembered again, and looked at his elder brother.

(End of this chapter)

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