Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4205 Nanling Nanzhengyu Lost Inheritance

Chapter 4205 Nanling Nanzhengyu Lost Inheritance
Song Ling couldn't bear her begging, so she just turned her face towards Nanzhengyu.

He opened his mouth, but before he could open his mouth, Nan Zhengyu said, "The family has been messed up like this, and you still have to protect it! For the sake of our son, we have only one way to divorce."

"Don't." Song Ling was beaten back, shrinking her neck, and hurriedly stopped with a pale face.

Nan Ling looked at his father disapprovingly: "Dad, you should also say a few words less."

Nanzhengyu grinded his lips, with a stern face and an ugly face, at least he didn't say anything about him in front of Nan Tianyi, and said patiently: "You guys should at least apologize to others for making such a mess."


Seeing that they had been holding back for so long, and they were putting on a good show of crying and begging again, Ji Nan thought that Nan Zhengyu was going to say how powerful the solution would be.

In the end, Nan Zhengyu asked Li Mo to apologize.

Ji Nan didn't have eyes to look any further, and lazily said to Nan Tianyi: "Little uncle, you chat slowly, I'll go first."

Nan Tianyi seemed to be wearing a magic spell on his head, pinching his forehead so painfully that it was about to explode, he waved his hand at him weakly: "Well, you go first."

Ji Nan took his car keys and left without looking back.

Nan Ling also breathed a sigh of relief, naively thinking that as long as Ji Nan left, today's matter would be easier to settle properly.

Who knew that Nan Tianyi looked at them again, and this time he didn't ask Nan Zhengyu how to deal with it, and said directly: "I left the family affairs to you before, it was really too hasty, and I didn't know whether you are qualified or not. Have the ability to be responsible for the future of a family..."

Nanzhengyu's eyebrows were beating, and he had a new year's idea ready to come out.

"If it was the result of the processing you showed me just now... I can tell you clearly that you are out of my place."


Nanzhengyu's face turned pale in an instant.

Nan Tianyi didn't care about his stunned reaction, and continued coldly: "Tomorrow, I will arrange people from the fifth and sixth rooms to go to your place to get the materials."

"Big brother."

"That's it." Nan Tianyi waved his hand, signaling that he doesn't need to continue: "I'm just an old face, enough for you to squander it a few times? Just forget it last time, this time I want to pay it back to protect you, and I won't give anyone an explanation. , I can’t justify it!”

Seeing his determination, Nan Zhengyu used all his strength to support the back of the chair beside him, so as not to lose his mind and make embarrassing jokes.

Nan Tianyi looked around Song Ya and Li Mo, with undisguised disgust in his eyes: "As for the two of them..."

Li Mo and Song Ya raised their hearts to their throats.

Nan Tianyi frowned, and said blankly: "You can figure it out."

Nan Zhengyu pulled a bitter face: "...Yes."


Nan Tianyi also left.

In a blink of an eye, only Nanzhengyu and his family were left in this area.

Li Mo stopped sobbing now, Qiqi Ai called out: "Uncle, Uncle."

Song Ya also clenched her hands tightly, and pleaded cautiously: "Brother-in-law, we know we were wrong. I promise, it will never be like this in the future!"

Her eyes were red again, she turned her head to look at Song Ling, and said mournfully, "Sister, help me tell my brother-in-law, so that he doesn't send us away."

Nan Ling held back Song Ling, not giving Song Ya a chance to be miserable, and also said to Song Ling: "You just heard what uncle said, so don't worry about it."

Song Ling was wearing a purple cheongsam, with a white shawl on her shoulders, her well-maintained oval face flashed a trace of unbearable, a little bit wanting to intercede for Song Ya.

(End of this chapter)

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