Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4206 Song Ya and Li Mo are finished

Chapter 4206 Song Ya and Li Mo are finished

Hearing his son's reminder.

She couldn't bear it and turned into annoyance, she turned her head, and refused to look at Song Ya and Li Mo.

"You said you came to Independent Continent to find me, and I will help you everywhere, but you did such a big thing without telling me, and the troubles are like this, what can I do to help you?"

"Sister, I know I was wrong."

Song Ya saw that Song Ling ignored her.

She begged Nan Zhengyu again: "Brother-in-law, I was wrong, I was really wrong."

"Let go!"

However, Nan Zhengyu shook off her hand, never giving her a chance to admit her mistake, took a deep breath, tried to calm down the anger in her chest, but couldn't hold it down.

I have worked hard for 30 years and planned for ten years, just to ruin today!
Did they know they were wrong?
Song Ya thought that a simple confession would solve the problem?If possible, he would also like to find those two immediately, and admit his mistake with his old face.

Nan Zhengyu shook off Song Ya's entanglement, looked down at her with a frosty expression, and said, "You think sending you away will solve the problem?"

Song Ya hasn't reacted yet: "What do you mean?"

Li Mo's heart skipped a beat, she raised her head, her lips were trembling, she was really scared, she knew it: "Uncle, Uncle."

Nanzhengyu didn't care about anyone, and said directly: "What you have done here is enough to make you permanently disabled."

There is no police in Independent Continent, so naturally there is no law.

But there are no rules here.

For example, the behaviors of Song Ya and Li Mo are light-hearted, and they are called licentious behaviors, and there is no lower limit.

To put it more seriously, they are called framing!
Those caught in Independence Island usually have their hands and feet cut off, and they can choose hands or feet as punishment.

"When I go back and notify the people in your family to come over, do whatever you want!" Nan Zhengyu settled the matter.

Song Ling didn't expect her husband to be so ruthless, far exceeding the result she had thought at first.

She still couldn't bear it, broke away from Nan Ling's restraint with a pale face, and rushed to grab Nan Zhengyu's arm: "Zhengyu, she is my own sister after all..."

"Then you are willing to watch our family fall and see your son bear the consequences for them?" Nan Zhengyu raised his hand to cover her hand, and pulled it away inch by inch.

"..." Song Ling stood there as if she lost her soul, unable to answer for a long time.

Nan Zhengyu ignored her and called Nan Ling away with a sullen face: "Come with me."

Nan Ling glanced at his mother and aunt, but not at Li Mo, and followed her up...

Nanzhengyu didn't go very far.

Walking to a quiet corner of the hotel, he called a waiter and asked him to bring him a small knife.

According to his request, the waiter quickly brought a sharp knife and handed it to Nan Zhengyu.

Nanzhengyu didn't move for a long time holding the knife, and didn't know what he was going to do.

It was Nan Ling who saw him call him out, and didn't speak for a long time, and asked the waiter to bring the knife again.

He waited for a while, then called out to the absent-minded man: "Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Nan Zhengyu seemed to wake up, looked up to see him, refocused his eyes, and pulled a smile on his gentle face, with bitterness in his smile.

"Ah, let me trouble you with something later, you must do it well."

"You say."

"One, take me to the hospital later."


Nan Ling was puzzled.

Nan Zhengyu pretended not to see it, and continued: "Second, put the 'thing' in a box and send it to your uncle. Let's just say that I gave him and Young Master Ye an explanation."

(End of this chapter)

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