Chapter 4403

What was strange to Qiao Nian was not the one she said was given by Qiao's mother, but the address 'your father'.

It is well known that she had a falling out with the Qiao family.

Qiao Weimin announced at the beginning that she was a fake daughter picked up from an orphanage, took 3000 yuan to sever ties with her, and couldn't wait to send her away...

These are gossips that everyone knows.

Everyone around the city has heard it.

It's impossible for Qiao Ruoqing not to know, right?

When she knew about it, she said 'your dad' on purpose, what did she want to do?
Qiao Ruoqing didn't let her 'disappoint', and almost immediately asked, "Qiao Nian, I need your help with something."

"Are you in Beijing?" Qiao Ruoqing proposed, "Let me treat you to dinner."

"No need." Qiao Nian was just about to hang up the phone.

Hearing the indifference in her tone, the other side hurriedly poured out beans and said everything.

Qiao Ruoqing told her that she was already a big star, and she was not only looking for her to help, but also to get together with her sisters.

He also said that she recently encountered a troublemaker who falsely accused her of hitting someone, smashed her car, and turned her to the police station for a record.

She wanted to ask Qiao Nian to help her find a relationship, and see if she could find someone to come forward and apologize to her, so as to eliminate the negative influence on the Internet and not affect her commercial value.

The reason why Qiao Nian was able to listen to her patiently was because she realized that what Qiao Ruoqing was talking about was an ignorant villain who deliberately bullied her, a big star, in front of the camera... Coincidentally, it was her herself!

She never thought that the person she met that day was Qiao Ruoqing.

"Heh." Qiao Nian was also confused by this coincidence, and smiled mockingly: "How do you want her to apologize to you?"

Qiao Ruoqing thought it was funny when she heard it.

Immediately changed his words and shouted sweetly: "Cousin, I just want her to apologize to me in front of the camera, saying that she slandered me, that child didn't fall because of our car, but because he didn't stand firm and fell Yes! Or maybe she pulled the child, but she fell the child... In short, it was her own fault, and she wanted to apologize sincerely to me in front of the media reporters."

Of course, for the sake of the image she created, she will definitely forgive each other 'kindly'.

At least in front of the camera.

In private, she won't let that woman go easily!
As long as Qiao Nian backed her up, just because that woman slapped her a few times that day, she wouldn't let it go easily, and don't let that woman get away with it.

Qiao Ruoqing was immersed in the joy of how to clean up the other party.

He heard the cold voice of his cousin.

"I know the person you're talking about."

"Cousin knows her?" Qiao Ruoqing's voice stopped abruptly, a little excited: "Who is she? Do you have her phone number?"

Qiao Nian saw the familiar Phaeton on the opposite side of the road quietly parked under the camphor tree, the window was rolled down, revealing Ye Fanchuan's handsome profile.

Qiao Nian withdrew her gaze and started walking towards the opposite side of the road, while answering absent-mindedly, "Ah, I know."

Qiao Ruoqing couldn't wait: "Cousin, you have to help me this time, she's bullying too much, she's just a crazy woman, a villain! The car she smashed up to me cost over a million yuan, and the follow-up items Damage fee, reputation loss fee...she can't run away!"

"By the way, who did you say you knew that person?"

Qiao Nian had already walked in front of Phaeton, Ye Fanchuan handed out a glass of lemonade from the car window, and passed it to her along the window.


(End of this chapter)

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