Chapter 4404 That Man Is Me

Qiao Ruoqing keenly heard a man's voice on the other end of the phone, and suppressed her thoughts: "Cousin, are you outside? Who are you with? Boyfriend? Everyone come out to make an appointment some other day. I'll treat you and your boyfriend to dinner."

Qiao Nian ignored Qiao Ruoqing, and lightly touched his fingertips while taking the lemonade from him.

Under the slightly cool skin, you can feel the flames that have been rubbed for a moment, just the light of fireflies, and it seems to be able to ignite the fire of the prairie fire in an instant!

Just as she was about to withdraw her hand, Ye Fanchuan grabbed her, raised her head, her nose was straight and her lips were thin, there seemed to be small hooks in her eyes, and the thick night melted into a pool of spring water.

"God Qiao wants to run after teasing?"


Qiao Nian pulled back his hand and looked at him expressionlessly: "Why do I think you are playing hooligans?"

Ye Wangchuan moved his shoulders, and smiled noncommittally.

He was already very handsome, and in the night, he was like a noble son who fell into the world in the writer's pen, arrogant and noble, and his gestures and gestures were all elegant.

"You call first."

She had planned to call first.

Qiao Nian glanced at him, held the drink in his right hand, bit the straw and took a sip, and put the phone to his ear with the other hand, he was no longer impatient.

"That person is me."


Qiao Ruoqing didn't react for a while.


She was still immersed in the fact that Qiao Nian's boyfriend was by her side, and she was still thinking about how to ask him out for dinner, firstly to build a good relationship, secondly...

I heard Qiao Nian's voice: "The troublemaker you just mentioned is me."

Qiao Ruoqing: "..."

She reacted: "How is it possible... my cousin is joking with me? It's not funny at all."

"You don't think it's funny either?" Qiao Nian didn't have much patience with her, and said succinctly, "You know exactly what our relationship is, and you don't need to come to me to make friends."

"I don't have a cold for the people of Qiao's family, and neither do you. Stay away from me, I can't remember those things before..."

If she insisted on coming up, she would only remind herself of the tricks of the Qiao family when they went around the city.

Qiao Ruoqing herself felt guilty: "I used to be young and ignorant... I didn't do anything."

Qiao Ruoqing still doesn't believe that person is Qiao Nian, and she still thinks that Qiao Nian just disgusted her on purpose, saying that it was the person who smashed the car.

Qiao Nian ignored her, hung up the phone directly, and pulled the person into the blacklist, not giving Qiao Ruoqing a second chance to call.

Ye Wangchuan saw that she was surrounded by evil spirits, and she was cold and uncomfortable, so he asked without any trace: "Who are you calling?"

"A person around the city." Qiao Nian gave a vague answer without elaborating, and Ye Wangchuan had already guessed the identity of the person who called her.

"Get in the car first, and I'll take you to eat that hot-boiled lamb."


Qiao Nian threw the phone into his pocket, walked around to the passenger seat, opened the door and sat in, fastening the seat belt with one hand.

Still holding the lemonade that Ye Wangchuan brought her in one hand, she just leaned back on the passenger seat, opened the car window to breathe, and put her elbow on the edge by the way.

"Should I call Chenchen and the old man?"

Ye Wangchuan squinted at her, stretched out his hand to turn down the air conditioner on the car, and said: "The old man came to look for you at home in the afternoon, and found that you were not at home. He waited at home all afternoon. The place for dinner in the evening was decided by him. Chen took it there, and the two of you are waiting for you over there."

The hot-boiled mutton that Qiao Nian likes to eat is in a courtyard house in Nanluogu Lane.

(End of this chapter)

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