Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4405 Mr. Zhang came to the company without eating

Chapter 4405 Mr. Zhang came to the company without eating

In Beijing, it is a type that is difficult to get a seat in private kitchens.

However, Mr. Ye knew the boss well and had a good relationship, and coupled with his status as an old man at home, Ye Wangchuan was not surprised that Mr. Ye could book a seat there.

"Let's go there first."


In response, Qiao Nian closed her eyelids, the evil spirit in her eyes faded a little, and she leaned back on her seat and closed her eyes to rest her mind.

On the other side, in a suite somewhere in Beijing.

Qiao Ruoqing looked at the phone she hung up halfway, and couldn't recover for a long time.

Wait for her to recall it.

Realized that Qiao Nian had hung up on her.

Qiao Ruoqing's fair face was flushed red, and her mouth was crooked in anger.

"Didn't she just find a rich boyfriend, whoever she is. It's not based on her own ability, she really thinks she's so good!"

But it was useless for her to complain.

She was the only one in the empty suite, no one would comfort her no matter how angry she was.

Qiao Ruoqing was sullen for a while.

She thought about it, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that she couldn't sit still and wait for death.

Out of the corner of her eye, Qiao Ruoqing caught a glimpse of the fruit knife on the table, and thought of a good idea.


2 hours later.

There was a stir on Weibo.

After Qiao Ruoqing's fans experienced pressure and accusations from all sides for a day and a night, they finally ushered in the opportunity to fight back.

#Qiao Ruoqing commits suicide#
#Qiao Ruoqing Hospital#
#Qiao Ruoqing#
Three hot searches airborne occupy the top three hot searches.

According to the photos revealed by her big fans, Qiao Ruoqing committed suicide by cutting her wrists at her home at [-]:[-] p.m., and was rushed to the hospital.

There is no new news from the hospital right now, so I don't know if Qiao Ruoqing is out of danger.

As soon as this statement comes out.

Qiao Ruoqing's fans, who were beaten down by passers-by before, danced again.

They insisted that their elder sister just had bad eyesight and didn't see the children in the underground garage...then the shrew smashed the car, dragged it out of the car and beat her, and was personally attacked by netizens on the Internet.

In addition, Shining Star Entertainment did not act, and the legal department has so far refused to speak out for her sister, which caused her sister to be wronged, under great psychological pressure, and chose to go to extremes.

This kind of statement is fermented.

Qiao Ruoqing's fans were heartbroken.

They changed yesterday's decadent trend, tearing up passers-by and tearing up the company, insisting that even if there is something wrong with their sister.

But it wasn't enough for Qiao Nian to smash the car, beating people for no reason was even more vicious.

In order to vent their anger on their sister, some fans even came up with a bad move to call the police on behalf of Qiao Ruoqing.

One after another they called the police.

Ask the police to arrest Qiao Nian.


Zhang Yang received the news at the dinner party at night, so he didn't have time to eat, so he took his suit jacket and left the club in a hurry.

Then they rushed to Yaoxing Entertainment at a fast speed.

He hurried all the way to Zhang's mother's office.

The staff of Shining Star Entertainment saw him along the way and greeted him curiously and respectfully.

"Young Master Zhang."

"Mr. Zhang."

People in Yaoxing Entertainment only saw the boss' son occasionally, but most of them had heard the rumor that the boss's son was more popular than the boss outside.

It is said that the boss, the son, is a member of that circle, and he still has a small status in the circle, so he can speak for himself.

Before, the actress Randy was favored by a rich man, and he insisted on being accompanied by a drink, otherwise he would not let him go.

Eisley went there at that time, and he didn't let the other party save face.

It was the boss who made a phone call.

The influential figure in the circle immediately apologized to the actress Randy, and politely sent him away.

(End of this chapter)

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