Chapter 4407 Still Dying
The nurse took the tray over, looked at Qiao Ruoqing who was fully armed, but didn't recognize that it was a star, and said in a businesslike manner, "Please stretch out your hand and put it here."

She pointed to the wrist rest on the table.

Although Qiao Ruoqing was dissatisfied with her perfunctory attitude, she still swallowed her anger and put her hand on it.

While the nurse was applying the medicine to bandage her, she kept complaining of pain, which made the nurse very disturbed, and finally bandaged her well.

Qiao Ruoqing was dissatisfied again: "You wrapped it too casually, wrap it for me twice."

The nurse looked at her harmless hand, and silently wrapped her a few more times until it looked like a rice dumpling, Qiao Ruoqing nodded in satisfaction.

"It's almost there."

The nurse ignored her, picked up the tray and said to her, "Go out and turn left to pay."


Qiao Ruoqing walked out of the emergency room.

She was taking out her mobile phone and walking towards the payment place, planning to enjoy the trending searches.

She heard someone calling from behind her.

"Qiao Ruoqing!"

Who is it?

She frowned and turned around, only to see the agent rushing over.

Eisley was still wearing casual clothes at home, and it looked like he was called out temporarily while resting at home.

Qiao Ruoqing didn't pay attention to her when she first saw her. She thought that Aisley came to her after seeing the popularity on the Internet, so she stood there and waited for Aisley to run towards her out of breath.

Then he said proudly, "What are you doing here?"

Aisley looked at her stupid look who didn't know the disaster was imminent, and said with a sneer, "Didn't you really cut your wrists?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Qiao Ruoqing's eyes flickered slightly.

Eisley did not hesitate to expose her: "You don't pretend, I don't know you yet, would you be willing to hurt yourself?"

Qiao Ruoqing immediately asked, "What are you doing here? If you didn't come to care about me, you can leave."

Aisley didn't bother to talk nonsense to her: "You caused trouble."

Qiao Ruoqing still doesn't take it seriously: "Tsk, who can I mess with?"

"My manager's arm is turned away, and the company doesn't help me out. Who else can I offend with my current appearance? Why, did my suicide offend you?"

Seeing her sarcasm, Eisley knew what he was saying, and Qiao Ruoqing couldn't even listen.

She simply said nothing.

"Boss Xiao Zhang will follow right away, listen to what he has to say!"

"Master Zhang?"

Qiao Ruoqing, who had always been domineering and sarcastic, finally showed a trace of panic when she heard that Zhang Yang was coming.

She had met Zhang Yang before, and she knew Zhang Yang's status in the Beijing circle very well, so she couldn't help worrying whether the aura of her cheap cousin would still work.

After half an hour.

Zhang Yang drove to the hospital with a windmill electric engine.

He called Aisley on the way here and knew where they were.

Zhang Yang parked the car and drove all the way in a hurry. In less than 10 minutes, he found Aisley and Qiao Ruoqing who were hiding in a remote corner.

Aisli followed Qiao Ruoqing every step of the way, fearing that she would make trouble again at this juncture, and insisted on not letting her use her mobile phone.

Just when the two sides had a dispute, Zhang Yang walked over quickly.

"Mr. Zhang."

Seeing Zhang Yang approaching, Aisley let go of the hand that was grabbing Qiao Ruoqing's phone, and hurriedly greeted Zhang Yang, saying, "Mr. Zhang, I asked the doctor if the wound was not deep."

Zhang Yang walked straight past her and stopped in front of Qiao Ruoqing.

"Are you Qiao Ruoqing?" The last time he saw Qiao Ruoqing, he just glanced at her in a hurry, and didn't take a closer look at the appearance of the artists signed by his company.

(End of this chapter)

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