Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4408 Have you never watched a video on the Internet

Chapter 4408 Have you never watched a video on the Internet

Finally saw someone tonight.

Zhang Yang saw that the woman standing in front of him was extremely well-behaved, wearing a suit of Xiangjia Xiaoxiang style, with wavy curly hair, and everything from head to toe was exquisite.

A small face the size of a palm with beautiful features, a beautiful nose and delicate lips, she is not considered a great beauty, but with the help of makeup and dressing, Qiao Ruoqing can barely be called Xiaojiabiyu.

Her appearance is completely different from Qiao Nian's.

Qiao Nian is the kind of existence that can be dazzling just by her appearance, she doesn't need to tidy up or put on makeup.

Qiao Nian stood among the crowd, he must be the focus of everyone's attention.

Qiao Ruoqing is also somewhat pretty.

But without lighting and filters, she is not as glamorous as in the camera, she is a beauty, but in the eyes of people like Zhang Yang who have seen too many beauties.

Qiao Ruoqing's indifferent neighbor's parents can only be regarded as side dishes.

And there is not a single part of Qiao Ruoqing's body that has anything to do with Qiao Nian!

Whether it's looks or temperament.

Even Zhang Yang couldn't associate her with Qiao Nian.

Qiao Ruoqing's appearance, on the contrary, resembled the Qiao Chen he had heard about before, and that Qiao Chen had this kind of appearance.

Not bad looking.

But it's just that the stage is too low in front of people, and every move is easy to reveal the private and artificial side, which is unnatural.

Just like the woman standing in front of him now, she looked timid and obedient.

What she did in private was not as timid and cowardly as she was showing at the moment.

"Young Master Zhang, it's me." When Qiao Ruoqing saw Zhang Yang again, she was still very nervous, clenched her fists tightly, raised her eyes slightly, and forced out a smile.

This is the business smile she has practiced countless times in the mirror before.

Fans love the way she smiles.

Said to be kind and lovely.

"I'm sorry to cause you trouble and cause you to come here." She preemptively did not give Aisley a chance to complain.

Qiao Ruoqing said aggrievedly: "I'm fine, I just cut my wrist, I never thought of alarming the company and you..."

Zhang Yang doesn't like this at all.

His eyes are like torches.

"You don't want to disturb us and make a fuss about it? Why, you don't notify us, let your fans notify us?"


Qiao Ruoqing became nervous.

The atmosphere gradually became anxious.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang did not continue to ridicule her: "Do you know who I offended?"

Qiao Ruoqing bit her lips, shook her head: "I don't know."

"I don't know how dare you do so many things?"

Zhang Yang's tone couldn't tell whether it was ironic or something else...

Qiao Ruoqing became more and more uncertain.

Her eyes flickered and she said to Zhang Yang: "I talked to my cousin at night, and made an appointment with her to meet another day. My cousin will help me settle this matter, so that the company won't be involved..."

Qiao Ruoqing said while observing Zhang Yang's reaction.

She thought that when Shao Zhang heard Qiao Nian's name, he would warm up to her as before.

Who knew that the expression on Zhang Yang's face was extremely weird this time, squinting at her as if looking at a fool.

"My cousin will not let that person go, she has already mentioned this matter to her boyfriend..." Qiao Ruoqing's voice became softer as she spoke.

It means that she is getting more and more confident.

Of course Qiao Nian never said these words.

Qiao Nian hung up the phone without even saying a few words to her.

But Qiao Ruoqing was used to using Qiao Nian as a shield, naively thinking that everyone would still believe her words like before.

Until Zhang Yang interrupted her: "Haven't you watched the video on Hot Search?"


(End of this chapter)

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