Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4409 Finally recognized sister Nian

Chapter 4409 Finally recognized sister Nian

Seeing Qiao Ruoqing's confused face, he clicked his tongue softly: "You talk about each cousin, don't you even remember what your own cousin looks like?"

"How could it be? My cousin and I have been on good terms since we were young." Qiao Ruoqing retorted instinctively, but her reaction clearly revealed a guilty conscience.

Aisley on the side listened for a long time, and finally heard something.

She has been wondering why Qiao Ruoqing, who is of mediocre aptitude, is treated as a VIP by Mr. Zhang's family and takes care of her in various ways. It seems that Mr. Zhang is not taking care of Qiao Ruoqing, but because of the face of this cousin that Qiao Ruoqing said...

Who is Qiao Ruoqing's cousin?

Such a big face.

Even Zhang Zong and Xiao Zhang Shao mentioned it in a cautious tone.

Just when she was wondering, Zhang Yang took out his mobile phone and threw it to Qiao Ruoqing: "Look at who is on the video."

Qiao Ruoqing hurriedly grabbed the phone, bit her lips tightly, and looked up at him timidly.

See Zhang Yang unmoved.

She clenched her teeth again, lowered her eyes, and followed Zhang Yang's instructions to flip through the video.

At first she didn't see the clues, she didn't feel that there was anything different.

Because she has seen the video a long time ago, and she has watched the video more than once.

The girl in the video is wearing a peaked cap, and she can't even see her face clearly, so she doesn't see it at all.

But Zhang Yang asked her to watch it.

"If you still don't understand, just look at the comment area."


Ever since Qiao Ruoqing became a big star, she had developed a character of not reading comments and private messages, but she dared not refuse to follow Shao Zhang's request.

So Qiao Ruoqing cheered up and opened the comment section below.

The first few articles were her fans insulting the girl who smashed the car.

Until Qiao Ruoqing saw the fifth article.

[Cauliflower Cauliflower Bug: Is there really no one to catch me, God Qiao?When will our family's chasing light be washed away by a new female star, family members, it's too shameless. 】

Qiao Ruoqing didn't know who God Qiao was referring to.

But she knows very well who Chasing Light is!
Qiao Nian is chasing the light!

She had heard about this incident when she was walking around the city, and she was admitted to Beijing City University later, and she often heard this name mentioned.

Qiao Ruoqing's expression began to change.

Still not giving up, she continued to scroll down.

[The light is engraved on my face: Wocao, I have compared it, it is really my destiny.What to do, I liked Qiao Ruoqing before, it's the little white flower I like.But if the person in the video is my life, then I'm sorry, I stand by my life! 】

Qiao Ruoqing was so annoyed by this comment, she clicked in to read the reply below.

One of them kept her from being angry.

[Lai Lai: Isn't this me, senior sister Qiao Nian?I have seen her in person at Tsinghua University before, she is definitely my senior sister. 】

The person also uploaded a candid photo of himself on his phone.

Qiao Ruoqing zoomed in on the photo.

I saw that the girl in the photo had almost the same dressing style as the girl in the video, and was accompanied by a young man with outstanding looks. The two seemed to be talking to each other on the left and right.

In this photo, Qiao Nian turned her head slightly and raised her face, as if she was talking to Ye Wangchuan.

From the perspective of the person taking the sneak shot, she can clearly see the delicate face under the brim of her hat, especially her eyes, which are so dark and outstanding that they are unforgettable at a glance.

The moment Qiao Ruoqing saw those eyes, her heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

She only met Qiao Nian in elementary school.

But she was very impressed by Qiao Nian's unruly eyes.

Qiao Nian's eyes were like a wolf's.



The adults in the family often say that Qiao Nian has a pair of unfamiliar eyes, and he looks like a white-eyed wolf at first glance.

(End of this chapter)

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