Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4411 I know this kid won't go with her

Chapter 4411 I know this kid won't go with her
It's fucking fast this time.

The hot topic about Qiao Ruoqing has been removed.

But removing the hot search does not mean that no one discusses it. In fact, it is because of Zhang Yang's strong removal of the hot search this time that Qiao Ruoqing's fans are more and more sure that her sister is suppressed by unscrupulous companies and girls who beat people in the video. .

They started attacking Yaoxing Entertainment's account like crazy, and posted videos of Qiao Ruoqing's smashed car everywhere on the forum.

Moreover, these fans only intercepted clips of Qiao Nian smashing cars and beating people, never mentioning the fact that his sister almost ran into someone in the underground garage and then escaped.

After going back and forth, some passers-by were really led by them, thinking that Qiao Nian was too domineering and bullying too much.


South Luogu Lane.

Mr. Ye and his party just finished their meal.

Nearly 09:30 in the evening.

Ye Wangchuan looked at the time, and reminded the old man who was sitting there chatting with Qiao Nian: "Grandpa, it's time for you to go to bed, do you want to go back early to rest?"

Mr. Ye was talking happily, when he heard the words, he gave him a hard look, and cursed: "Stinky boy!"

But Ye Maoshan's body is very honest and showing fatigue. After all, an elderly person, even at the age of [-], even if he exercises his body, he is not as good as a young man who can stay up late.

Ye Maoshan didn't try his best, and said to the girl with a gentle expression: "Then Niannian, we have agreed to go to the Forbidden City the day after tomorrow, and I will be your guide."


Qiao Nian responded very politely.

Ye Maoshan achieved his goal, he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, he kept talking, got up and said to the others: "Then we're about to break up."

Ye Lan got up to support him, and looked at the little ancestor who was obediently sitting beside Qiao Nian, who ate by himself without asking anyone to serve him all night.

"Will Chenchen come with us?"

Sure enough, Ye Qichen looked at her warily like a kitten, his big eyes flickering, as if he didn't want to go with him.

Ye Lan knew that this would happen, and she didn't have to ask for an answer, so she turned her head and said to the girl apologetically, "Nian Nian, why don't you help me take care of him for a few more days?"

"I have an international contract to discuss in the past few days. Most of the time I have to fly back and forth. I don't necessarily have time to stay with him at home. He likes you again..."

Qiao Nian glanced at the little guy and readily agreed, "Okay."

Ye Lan also smiled, and never mentioned the gauze wrapped around Ye Qichen's feet that she saw today, nor asked about the little guy's lame leg.

She supported the old man at home, and said to her nephew: "You, a little uncle, still need to help take care of Chenchen."

"Okay, I get it." Ye Wangchuan was still very respectful to her, and didn't mean to disobey her.

Ye Lan was not easy to preach, nodded, supported the old man, went out with the old housekeeper first, and got into the car on the side of the road.

A group of people go first.

Qiao Nian, Ye Fanchuan and the others stayed behind. After Ye Maoshan and the others left, they also got up and prepared to go home. Qiao Nian even held Ye Qichen's little hand, and asked him softly with lowered eyes, "Can you go?"

Ye Qichen immediately nodded heavily: "Yes!"

Qiao Nian looked at him with trusting eyes, and couldn't help but soften her heart. She slowed down and walked out of the courtyard with him.

Ye Wangchuan drove the car in front of them, and when Qiao Nian led Ye Qichen out, he opened the door for him.

Ye Qichen must sit in the back row.

It was rare for Qiao Nian not to go to the co-driver today, but accompanied the little guy to the back row, and closed the door behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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