Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4412 Sister Nian: You removed the hot search?

Chapter 4412 Sister Nian: You removed the hot search?

Ye Wangchuan looked at the closed car door in front of him, touched the bridge of his nose, lowered his head and gave a chuckle, and went to the front to act as a 'driver' for them.

On the way, Qiao Nian leaned on the back of the chair and took out her phone, only to see Ye Lan send her a message.

"Nian Nian, I saw the news on the Internet, do you need our help?"


Only then did Qiao Nian remember to go online.

She exited without haste, opened Weibo, and saw the private message reminder and Aite reminder on the top right of her that was about to explode.

Qiao Nianrao was already used to it, but he still couldn't help rubbing the space between his brows, and clicked in to take a look.

Private message 99+.

Aite is also 99+.

Qiao Nian read the private message.

As soon as I entered, a recent private message popped up.

It seems to be a student of Tsinghua University.

[Cai Cai is a vegetable bug: Sister, have you watched the video sent by Qiao Ruoqing's fans?Is that you in there?They scolded so badly, and even blamed you on your head.Why don't you check out the trending searches? 】

The girl also sent a video.

Qiao Nian clicked on it and saw the video of her smashing the car yesterday, and the video of her beating someone... The video was not fake, it was edited maliciously.

For example, in these videos, there was no segment about why Qiao Ruoqing was beaten.

Qiao Nian finished watching it calmly, and then checked the trending searches.

The hot search list was clean, and there was no content about her and Qiao Ruoqing.

"Hmm." Qiao Nian was a little strange, raised his eyes, and looked at the man driving through the front rearview mirror: "You removed the hot search on Weibo?"

Ye Wangchuan understood what she was saying in seconds: "Tsk, it has nothing to do with me, it was Zhang Yang who removed it. He's pretty good."

Zhang Yang reacted very quickly this time.

In fact during the hours of eating.

It wasn't just Ye Lan who was reminded that he saw the trending search.

Ye Wangchuan also saw trending searches.

It's just that the two of them had a tacit understanding and didn't mention it during the meal, for fear of spoiling the interest of Old Master Ye and Qiao Nian.

So during dinner time, only Qiao Nian and Mr. Ye didn't know about it.

Zhang Yang removed the trending search in just two hours, he was vigilant, and he did it neatly without dragging his feet.

Otherwise, even if he didn't go to Zhang Yang, with Ye Lan's defensive personality, he would definitely go to their family to ask them clearly.

"Huh?" Qiao Nian frowned lightly, doubts flashed across her black eyes: "This is about Zhang Yang... oh, I remembered."

Qiao Ruoqing is an artist signed by Zhang Yang's family.

After Qiao Nian realized it, she was speechless: "Why is there him everywhere?"


While driving in front, Ye Wangchuan said casually: "His family has a big business, and has a hand in all kinds of industries, so you can meet his family everywhere."

He said so.

The Zhang family did indeed have a wide range of businesses.

Zhang Yang's family is involved in the entertainment industry, real estate, catering, export trade, etc.

But in the Zhang family in Beijing, this kind of behavior is not considered decent.

At least not advanced.

Both the Ye family and the Qin family have relatives who are doing business, and Ye Lan is mainly responsible for managing the business at home.

Whether it's the Ye family or Qin Si's family, or Bao Jingxing's family, Wen's family, etc., all prominent families in Beijing have never been involved in the entertainment industry or catering business.

It can be seen that Zhang Yang's family has a business in the entertainment industry. Their family's status in Beijing was not high before, and they can only be regarded as ordinary.

Otherwise, he wouldn't get involved in this kind of dirty business.

Ye Wangchuan said this to Qiao Nian with a bit of sarcasm, which shows that he is very dissatisfied with the Zhang family this time.

(End of this chapter)

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