Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4428 Why do you always call sister Nian to let them

Chapter 4428 Why do you always call sister Nian to let them
"She's not in the entertainment industry, even if someone scolds her online, she won't lose a piece of meat. Why is she so vengeful, because of this, Yaoyao must be ruined and go to jail!"

The more Mother Qiao talked, the more aggrieved she became.

Qiao Weimin was terrified when he heard that, and twitched the corners of his mouth, wondering if he wanted to mock her for not knowing anything and still talking nonsense here, or if he was thinking of the stupid things he had done before.

Qiao Weimin was not in the mood to comfort her, and only said: "Qiao Yao has offended someone who shouldn't be offended, and it is considered good if he is willing to go through the legal process with her. You should stop making trouble, or the result will only be worse."

He had met the young ancestor of the Ye family several times with the Fu family.

He also watched the news.

The news made it very clear that Qiao Yao almost ran into someone this time.

Although he didn't really hit it, but in order to avoid Qiao Yao's car, Ye Qichen sprained his foot.

As an insider, Qiao Weimin knew very well that the young ancestor of the Ye family had a hidden disease in his legs. It was for this reason that the Ye family went around the city to find a famous doctor.

Qiao Yao ran to hurt her leg which had been healed with great difficulty.

It was because of Qiao Nian's sake that the Ye family didn't come forward to settle accounts with her. Otherwise, getting Qiao Yao with her family background would not be as simple as crushing an ant to death. Who would go through legal procedures with them.

"Brother, help me get in touch with Qiao Nian."

"I can not help you."

Mother Qiao was very disappointed to find out.

Qiao Weimin had already hung up the phone.

She had to stop on this road and try to find a way to contact Qiao Nian again.


Just when Mother Qiao was trying to get in touch with Qiao Nian.

There was news from the police station.

It was said that Qiao Nianfang's lawyer came to him and wanted to go through legal procedures to apply for the extension of Qiao Ruoqing's detention.

Qiao Ruoqing called Qiao's mother that day, and cried on the phone to ask Qiao's mother to find a way to save herself.

Instead, Mother Qiao asked her about the harassment.

Qiao Ruoqing only cried on the phone, and when asked about her business, she would cry and not answer vaguely, or the answer was not clear.

Mother Qiao didn't do anything in a hurry, so she had to ask her contacts to find a lawyer.

She traveled to all major law firms.

When people heard that she was looking for someone to file a lawsuit for Qiao Ruoqing, they saw the God of Plague come to her door one by one, and sent her out quickly.

Qiao's mother searched for several days in a row, and went all over Beijing's large and small law firms, but she couldn't find a lawyer who was willing to take over her entrustment.

She had no choice but to find an assisting lawyer.

Legally speaking, such assistance lawyers cannot refuse to entrust, and are obliged to provide legal assistance for those who have no money to file a lawsuit or cannot find a lawyer.

So the aid lawyer that Qiao's mother found could only bite the bullet and take this hot potato.

But the other party also explained clearly to her and Qiao Ruoqing the stakes, and made it clear that she would try her best to defend her innocence, but the success rate was not high.

Because Qiao Nian was looking for one of the most powerful female lawyers in Beijing.

Her kind of...Qiao Ruoqing's unreasonable lawsuit has a lot of evidence.

Aid lawyers put it bluntly, there is no way to win.

But Qiao Ruoqing and Qiao's mother couldn't find another lawyer. Even though they were dissatisfied, they could only ask the aid lawyer repeatedly that they must win, and they must plead not guilty.


"Sister Qiao, your cheap cousin has found an assistant lawyer."

Qiao Ruoqing on the other end found a lawyer to assist her, and Qin Si on the other end got the first-hand information, and immediately ran to tell Qiao Nian.

(End of this chapter)

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