Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4429 Sister Nian is going to the court hearing

Chapter 4429 Sister Nian is going to the court hearing
Qiao Nian just woke up late and only slept for three hours. With her temple throbbing, she walked to the refrigerator and opened the door, taking out the frozen water from inside.

She unscrewed it with one hand, walked casually to the sofa in the living room and sat down, half-closed her eyes, couldn't hide her sleepiness, raised one leg, and said impatiently: "Look for it. I didn't say no." She's looking for a lawyer."

Qin Si talked about this on the phone, gossiping on the other end of the phone: "I heard that they searched all over Beijing and no one took her case, and finally applied for legal aid."

"Zhang Yang said that they were very courageous, and asked the lawyer to defend them not guilty."

"Tsk, her hit-and-run is a certainty, and the surveillance footage is clear. She still has to plead not guilty at this time. What do you think?"

Qiao Nian raised her head and drank half a sip of water. The cold ice water rolled down her throat and finally stimulated her heart, lungs and brain to wake up a bit.

Qiao Nian held the phone in the other hand and put it to his ear, listening to Qin Si babbling nonsense gossip in his ears.

She got annoyed and took the phone away, and simply turned on the speakerphone mode.

"In their worldview, other people are irrelevant, only their feelings are the most important."

"To them, Chenchen is the child who caused Qiao Ruoqing to enter the police station. They don't care about the harm their actions have caused Chenchen, they only care about the reputation and benefits they lost in this incident."

Qiao Nian understood what these people were thinking very well.

"They all now believe that they are victims, and of course insist on defending their innocence."

"Heh." Qin Si was speechless after listening for a long time: "By the way, Lord Wang. Why didn't you hear Master Wang's voice?"

Qiao Nian looked around the living room, but didn't see Ye Wangchuan's person.

I guess he's in the study.

He raised Erlang's legs and said lazily, "You have something to do with him?"

"No." Qin Si quickly denied.

Last time he was too happy to watch the excitement and was almost punished afterward. These days, he behaved honestly and did not dare to approach Ye Wangchuan.

Before hanging up the phone, Qin Si asked curiously: "By the way, sister Qiao, the court will be held in three days, will you go?"

Qiao Nian thought for a while: "In three days?"

Qin Si immediately said: "It wouldn't be so fast, but this matter is so big that the impact is not good. Considering this level, the court decided to come up with a result as soon as possible and explain it to the outside world."


Thinking of Ye Qichen, Qiao Nian pursed her lips, "I'll go."

She just hadn't left yet.

This can be regarded as a satisfactory result for myself before leaving.

three days later.

It was the day of Qiao Ruoqing's hit and run case.

When Mother Qiao arrived at the court early in the morning, she saw a large group of reporters with long guns and short cannons surrounding the court.

She thought of her bumping into walls in the past few days, and then thought of her daughter who was still suffering in the detention center.

Mother Qiao couldn't hold back her emotions immediately, and burst into tears in front of the camera.

"My Yaoyao is innocent."

"We can't even find a lawyer."

"She must have been suppressed."

"Those people just framed her, thinking that she is a star and trying to cheat money."

"It's impossible for her to harass others."

"She is a big star who can't see anyone, how could she go to harass her, this is Chi Guoguo's evidence that she is a victim."

Mother Qiao complained in tears.

Journalists are right to want heat.

But they had been warned before they came, and they knew more or less who was involved in today's court case.

(End of this chapter)

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