Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4430 Sister Nian and the others are here

Chapter 4430 Sister Nian and the others are here
Leave it as usual.

Qiao's mother's enthusiasm came to her door for nothing.

The reporters present had no reason not to.

However, what was strange today was that none of the dozens of reporters and hundreds of media outlets interviewed Qiao's mother.

It was all she was crying and talking to herself.

The reporters just pointed their cameras at her and didn't ask any other words.

"...It's all because of her bullying. Our family is still related to her. I watched her grow up and treated her well when I was a child. In the end, she flew on a branch and turned into a phoenix and treated us like this."

The more Mother Qiao spoke, the more excited she became, and her voice became louder.

She now harbors a twisted sense of revenge.

She felt that the reason why Qiao Yao fell from being a glamorous star to later appearing as a defendant in court was because of Qiao Nian.

She felt that Qiao Nian was able to run amok in Beijing because she found a good boyfriend.

Qiao's mother thought that no matter how much the man likes Qiao Nian, it still depends on his family's face.

She wants to ruin Joe's reputation.

Fuck Qiao Nian this person.

Is the man's family still willing to let Qiao Nian in?
Qiao Nian broke up, so he would be the same as them.Can she still be arrogant and domineering in the capital, as high as she is now?
Mother Qiao had this distorted mentality.

Her face became more and more distorted, and her words became more and more ugly, and Qiao Nian's privacy was also involved: "She couldn't get along with anyone since she was a child."

"I read that some people on the Internet say that she is cold and not talkative. She is not talkative. She has a weird personality and is withdrawn. She has no friends since she was a child, and she doesn't get along well with her classmates when she grows up. She often fails to read. transfer."

"And she's not a top student either."

"When she was a child, her grades were average, that is, the passing level. Her parents didn't go to hold parent-teacher meetings for her, because it was useless to go. No matter whether she went or not, she only maintained a middle-level level."

"So when she was admitted to Tsinghua University, all our relatives were very surprised and didn't understand how her academic performance improved by leaps and bounds."

"We only know that she found her biological parents in the third year of high school, and then met her current boyfriend through the relationship there..."

What Qiao's mother implied was obvious - she then hinted that Qiao Nian was not admitted to Tsinghua University by her own ability, but by her relationship.

A reporter couldn't hold back and asked, "Who are you talking about...?"

Mother Qiao wiped away her tears and was about to speak.

There was a commotion among the reporters.


"I'm coming."

"Quick, snap."

The reporters who had been patiently watching Qiao's mother's slapstick turned their cameras on the cars parked on the road in front of the court.

The black Phaeton is low-key and unobtrusive on the road.

But Jing.8's license plate is not as low-key as the car itself.

There was another burst of noise from the reporters.

"It's Young Master Ye's license plate."


"So who is the person in the car?"

"Then we didn't come in vain today."

"It was that person who was in the video on the Internet before. It seems that the rumors are true. I haven't caught any news about that person for a long time. She doesn't seem to be in Beijing. She usually keeps a low profile, so it is difficult to take pictures of her whereabouts."

"Who doesn't want to shoot? Every time our family puts her related tags on the news, the hit rate is extremely high, but it's too difficult to shoot."

"This time we have to take a good shot..."

Qiao's mother was squeezed into the corner by the crowd, her face was pale. At first she was confused and didn't know what was going on, until she saw the car on the side of the road and heard the excited gossip of the reporters.

(End of this chapter)

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