Mage Joan

Chapter 2012: Father and daughter join forces

The three people who took the lead to fly off the ghost ship turned out to be Hailar’s ​​adoptive father, the lord of Freeport, Helel Rushing!

A tall lady in a black dovetail dress stood beside Heller. It was Heller's nanny, Ms. Druid Kate, the Enlightenment Seagull.

There was also a tall man who followed Heller and Kate down the ghost ship. The hazy figure showed his ghost identity, and the captain's costume was faintly visible.

There are six swords of various lengths floating around the ghost man. Among them, the legendary giant sword that attracts the most attention is the "Splitting Sword" Tyer Feng!

"Aaron Green!"

The halfling warlock looked at the ghost swordsman on the opposite side, his face trembling in horror.

That's right! The third person on the ghost ship was Aaron Green, the captain of the "Herinhorn" who was assassinated by him and Mesinger 18 years ago, and the group of ghost sailors who followed Aaron Green and floated down the ghost ship , Frody is no stranger, they are all the seamen on the ship, the companions who were cruelly abandoned on the island by him and Mesinger.

After a lapse of 18 years, Mesinger and Frody returned to Galty Island with the purpose of investigating the truth about the ghost ship. They did not know that the ship was carrying all the seafarers who were betrayed by them 18 years ago. In the past, Captain Aaron Under the leadership of Greene, these ghosts riding in the ghost ship, as if traveling through the long river of time, suddenly appeared in front of them, looking at the two of them, burning hatred!

"Father! Why are you here? And sister Kate, what the **** is going on!"

The three elders closest to him appeared collectively on the beach of Galti Island, and they came by ghost ship, which really confused Hailar.

"Naughty girl, are you embarrassed to ask?" Heller glared at his adopted daughter in a grotesque manner. "Aren't you claiming to go back to school? Why did you sneak off the boat halfway? Is your school on Galti Island?"

"Uh..." Hailarton was speechless, blushing and stomping like a baby: "This is a long story. Daddy, you should answer my question first!"

Heller stroked his beard and laughed, turning his head to Captain Green and said, "My old friend, look at our baby girl. Isn't this coquettish and willful manner like Nanna's youth?"

Captain Green looked at Hailar deeply, with a bit more warmth in his eyes than when he first met by the volcanic lake this afternoon.

Hailar and his father's ghost looked at each other, their cheeks flushed for some reason, they looked away coyly, not knowing where to place their hands and feet.

Captain Green walked straight to his daughter, grabbed the legendary magic sword floating beside him, and silently handed it over.

Hailar was taken aback for a moment, and tentatively asked: "That...Father, are you trying to lend me Tyerfeng?"

Captain Green nodded, his hoarse voice showed a hint of love: "The time has come, my good boy... Revenge, you need a good sword!"

For the first time since Hailar’s ​​birth, when Hailar heard his father talking to him face to face, tears burst into his eyes, and he bit his lip to restrain the urge to cry. Resolutely, the sword handed by his father gave rise to a sense of solemn ritual in his heart. At the same time, Jian also took over the grievances and hatreds of his parents, and his blood was passed down.

"My daughter, remembering this spell can help you fully inspire Tyrfeng's power and help you become stronger!" Captain Green used telepathy to communicate with his daughter.

Hailar listened to his father's teachings, and then silently repeated the incantation. The huge sword in his hand buzzed and trembled, as if being injected with life. The simple rune embedded in the center of the sword, the "Ur" representing strength and courage, suddenly shined brightly. !


The surging magic power poured into Hailar's body through the hilt, and her body was stretched sharply. In a blink of an eye, a petite girl who was only five feet tall, turned into a giant woman over ten feet tall!

At the same time as her body grows larger, Tyerfeng’s three inherent spells, "Power of Bull", "Heroism" and "Righteousness as a Rainbow", are automatically blessed on Hailar's body, increasing her strength by 10 points and 2 points in total. Physical attributes, in addition to "regenerate" physical and supernatural armor that reduces damage from non-magical weapons, immune to all fear effects!

With the legendary weapon in hand, Hailar doubled in courage, pointed at Mesinger with a sword and made a declaration of revenge.

"Francis Messinger, today is your death date!"

"Little girl, don't think that if you have a good weapon, you will be arrogant. You are still far away!"

Mesinger winked at the servant next to him, and the black spirit assassin Mustafa's face stiffened. Under the boss's attention, even though he was reluctant, he still bit his scalp to face the imposing female swordsman. , Faintly felt that I was afraid of bad luck this time.

As early as three months ago, he had played against Hailar Green on Banana Island. Although the matchup looked very beautiful on the surface, Mustafa knew that Hailar’s ​​strength was not comparable to him. The reason why he was defeated was mainly because the actual combat experience was still a little worse, and he lacked understanding of him, so he suffered some losses.

After meeting again after three months, Mustafa is not difficult to find that this young female swordsman is making rapid progress, still holding a powerful legendary weapon in her hand, frankly speaking, he has no confidence to stand alone against the current Hylar Green.

"Hail, just leave this small role to me, you and Mr. Green will concentrate on dealing with Mesinger."

Ms. Kate spread out her right hand, and her palm sprayed out a bunch of flames, which condensed into a long sword of flames and stood in front of the Black Spirit Assassin.

Mustafa sighed in relief. Kate is an 11-level druid, slightly stronger than him, but compared with Hailar, who holds a Tyr front, Mustafa would rather choose Ms. Kate as his opponent.

Green and his daughter approached Mesinger side by side.

The 108 sailors on the former "Heringhorn" expedition ship turned into ghosts after their deaths. They still followed their captain faithfully, followed closely behind the father and daughter Green, and surrounded Mesinger's party, all in their eyes. Rage full of revenge.

The lord of Freeport, Helel Rushing, shook his shoulders coolly, his whole body creaked and his body swelled sharply, from his original human form to a storm giant with a height of more than 20 feet, and pulled his backhand behind him. The legendary weapon named after his surname—+6 storm impact pearl steel beheading giant sword, approaching Mesinger from another direction.

"The three of you beat me, too much, right?!"

Mesinger, who has always been pretending to be like the wind, is really a bit untenable now.

Heller laughed and retorted loudly: "Hailaer is the daughter of Brother Green and my adopted daughter. We are originally a family. Of course, we should drag our family and go with you to seek revenge!"

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