Mage Joan

Chapter 2013: The little black house of justice

Mesinger finally realized that Speaker Helel did not appear here for no reason, on the ghost ship.

The so-called rumors that the "Heringhorn" turned into a ghost ship, reappearing in the world after eighteen years, are basically rumors made up by the old fox Heller, the purpose is to induce him and Frody to be suspicious. He ran to Galti Island by himself.

At the same time, Helel had contacted Aaron Green, who had turned into a ghost, and set a trap on the island in advance, waiting for them to take the initiative to send it to the door.

When I thought of trying my best to search for the ghost ship, but the result was being calculated everywhere, Mesinger was so angry that he pulled out the "Black Devil Sword" and his eyes were full of murderousness.


The halfling warlock Am Frody, with his right hand in his pocket, held a teleporting scroll tightly, his eyes were moving back and forth between the enemy and us, and the flickering eyes revealed his inner anxiety.

At this moment, he also realizes that he has caught the trap of his opponent, but he is not sure whether he has any hope of comeback. If he pulls the scroll now, it will damage morale and even make Mesinger suspect that he wants to betray him and escape alone. , Secondly, he was not reconciled.

Frody gritted his teeth and decided not to flee for the time being, turned around and gestured to Agareth, motioning him to come forward and help Mesinger share an opponent.

The four-armed bat devil looked at Captain Green, who was surrounded by sharp blades, then looked at the tall and mighty storm giant, turned his head and ran to Hailar.

Frody's eyes puffed up, and he secretly scolded this guy for nothing. As a high-level demon, he only dared to challenge the little girl. It was shameful!

Agareth didn't think his choice was too confusing. Anyone who was so unlucky as him, got two fat beatings in one day, and finally managed to escape. They would never have the courage to be a hero and pretend to be a hero.

"Devil, don't want to bully my daughter, your opponent is me."

Heller would not give Agareth a chance to pick a soft persimmon. He sneered and raised the "Rushing Sword" to prevent the demon from approaching Hailar.

On Mesinger's side, except for a few pirates who were crushed on the bottom of the ship and still hadn't died, the current combat power worth mentioning was the "Banshee" Gudron, surrounded by the ghost sailors under Captain Green.

Both parties are incorporeal undead, and the incorporeal characteristics cancel each other out, which can directly cause physical damage to each other, and report most of the special abilities of the banshee, but cannot kill the undead.

Gudronen didn't want to be hacked to death by the ghost sailors, so he floated into the air, smelling the breath of life, and flew straight to Joan and the others.

"Hey, hello! The funeral banshee is here, we have work to do! Look, I give her the whole point of professionalism!"

The poet who had been watching the excitement became excited when he saw the excitement, took up the "Exorcist", and was about to play a "coffin-carrying execution song" to the female ghost who had been dead for so many years.

Audrey patted her brother on the shoulder: "Don't be busy playing the little song, Joanne, hurry up and turn on the light and shut the banshee into the small black room, lest she raises her neck and wailes again, which might be fatal. !"

"I think so too."

The corners of Qiao'an's lips raised, decisively lighting up the bull's eye magic lamp, shooting out a cone of golden light, covering the mourning banshee in midair.

The banshee felt the magical bondage, struggling desperately, but was useless, and was sucked into the alien maze in a blink of an eye.

Audrey ran over like flying, and on the beach just below where the banshee disappeared, she swung her sword to draw a circle with a radius of about five feet.

"As short as one or two minutes, or as long as ten minutes, the funeral banshee will pop out of the maze and appear about 10 feet above this circle. We have to dig a pit and arrange some ‘surprise’ for her!"

"Sister, you are so bad..."

"What do you know, this is called ‘Justice’s Little Black House Tactics’!"

Miss Paladin with hands on hips, her face was righteous.

Audrey is actually just an analogy, after all, the sinkhole is not good for the incorporeal undead. Qiao An first took a "anti-death barrier" on Holden, and after thinking about it, he found it inappropriate.

The "Death Guard" can resist the instant death effect of "Banshee's Howl", but the howl of the Banshee also has the lethality of sonic properties. Anyone who hears it will be dizzy, although it will only last for a few seconds, but It may be killed.

After thinking about it, Qiao An came up with a more secure countermeasure, picking up a pebble on the spot, blessing it with "silence", and placing it in the center of the circle that Audrey had just drawn.

The "silence technique" has a radiation radius of 20 feet. After the mourning banshee left the labyrinth, it happened to fall into the silence barrier, unable to speak, and the "banshee's howl" was sealed.

Audrey applauded Qiao Ann's clever setting, but Holden was slightly dissatisfied.

"Joan, you have set a silent barrier in your circle. Not only will you seal the "Howl of the Banshee", my "Soul Song" will also be shielded and cannot be applied to the Banshee to eliminate her incorporeal characteristics. Isn't this great?"

"It doesn't matter, I can use other spells to replace the soul calming song."

Qiao An played with a small piece of black agate, stretched out his hand to hold the shoulder of the poet, and chanted a spell symbolizing "soul".


A softer negative energy flows from Qiao'an's fingertips into Holden's body, blessing him with the 3-ring arcane "Nether Arms".

"In the next 15 hours, your personal equipment, including weapons, armor, and even fists, will receive the special effects of'Nether,' and you can directly attack the incorporeal undead without losing your hand."

After hearing Qiao An's introduction, Audrey's eyes glowed: "This spell is good, I want it too! I want it too!"

"Sister, you are so showy..."

Audrey flew a kick, kicked her speechless brother to the beach, gnawing on the sand.

Qiao Anren smiled and held the princess's delicate hand, and also blessed her with "Nether Arms", and then called the magic pilots to bless it with "Nether Arms" through the "mythical link".

Qiao An told Zaku to stay here and assist Zion's sister and brother to encircle and suppress the banshee who might return at any time, and turned around and left.

"Joan, where are you going?" Audrey shouted at his back.

Qiao An stopped and turned back: "Remember our appointment on the ship? Am Frody, leave it to me to deal with it."

"Are you alone?" Audrey asked worriedly.

"Enough." Waved, Qiao An walked to another battlefield.

Am Frody is a 15th-level warlock, and he still has several powerful magical devices in his hands. Qiao Anke is afraid to underestimate the enemy. Before he initiates a challenge, he must be fully prepared.

In addition to the conventional protection spells, Qiao An also specially blessed himself with a very unpopular 4th-level spell. After that, the cloak was slightly swollen, and the inside hummed slightly, which made his whole person appear a little swollen, and the steps he took did not leave on the surface. The slightest footprint is like a human-shaped balloon gliding lightly against the beach.

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