Mage Joan

Chapter 2407: Mysterious curse

After killing the serpentine vines, Holden's letter to Qiao Ann recounted another strange incident.

"After the battle, for some reason, I felt so tired, I couldn't lift my strength all over, and my legs were heavy as if they were filled with lead."

"Uncle Pinkerton, Sister Cai Mi, Carl and Dolly also have similar symptoms. A non-fierce battle seems to drain our energy. This is obviously not right."

"Turning on'Inner Vision' to check my own state, I was surprised to find that I didn't know when I was cursed. The three physical attributes of strength, agility and physique were weakened by 4 points each. No wonder I felt uncomfortable."

"Except for my elder sister, who is as strong as a cow and protected by God's grace, she is still vigorous and has nothing to do. The other people in the team are cursed just like me and are very weak."

"I cast a spell to lift the curse for myself, but found it was useless!"

"Fortunately, my elder sister carried the'healing technique' potion with her. After taking the medicine, her physical attributes finally returned to normal."

"It is still unclear whether this weird curse came from the serpentine vine we killed, or the inherent effect in the green sea."

"If it's the latter case, the problem will be serious. Maybe when we wake up tomorrow, we will fall into a cursed state again."

"Joan, of course you also know that returning any physical attribute to zero will cause fatal consequences. There is not much left of the'restoration technique' potion. In order to guard against the worst possible possibility, my sister decided to change her 3rd ring **** The surgery positions are used to prepare for the'restoration surgery'."

"As for whether these magic arts can be used, it will be known tomorrow, I hope it is just a false alarm!"

After sending this letter, Holden and his entourage camped in the forest and will continue to explore the depths of the green sea tomorrow morning.

As usual, Qiao An replies to a letter instructing everyone to be more careful, and specially made 6 bottles of mythological potions, stuffed them into the "Green Ice Secret Box", and intends to pass them to the expedition through the "Spirit World" for emergency needs.

However, after Holden chanted the incantation, he couldn't call the Qingbing Secret Box as before.

This situation means that the transmission channel across the spirit world has also been blocked by the mysterious enchantment in the Green Sea in Grizzly Town.

From now on, Qiao An can no longer provide much-needed supplies for friends far away.

This unexpected bad news put a heavy stone on his heart.


In the evening of August 3, Qiao Ann again received a letter from Holden from Green Sea in Grizzly Town.

This letter confirmed Audrey's foresight, and it was really necessary to prepare the "restoration technique" in advance.

"I woke up this morning and I felt pretty good, and none of my companions showed symptoms of being cursed."

"Based on this, we believe that the curse will only be triggered when an outsider enters the Green Sea for the first time. After this wave, it will be fine. So let go, leave the camp after breakfast, and continue to explore the deep forest. ."

"Today's luck was not bad. There were no threats during the journey. Until noon, in a hidden corner of the forest, the alert Karl found a well covered by dense shrubs. There were five strange plants growing around the well. mushroom."

"These mushrooms are more than five feet tall and have a vague human shape. The protruding stems look like hands and feet, similar to the'mushroom people' that we have seen in the gloomy area, but they have no mobility, just like ordinary mushrooms. Rooted in the soil, standing quietly around the wellhead, one of the mushroom's arm-like stalks wrapped around the shaft of the shaft of the wellhead, and seemed to want to get water from the well."

"The weird posture of human-shaped mushrooms is really not like natural formation. We have reason to suspect that these big mushrooms used to be living people living nearby, and they finally transformed into their current fungal form after being cursed."

"The scene before us reminds us that after being cursed yesterday, in addition to feeling fatigued, it was also accompanied by a strong sense of thirst. If there was a well nearby, I would definitely drag my tired body to fetch water."

"Sister Cai Mi swung her sword to clear the vines around the edge of the well, and bribed Dolly with a chocolate candy to persuade the stupid bird to fly into the well to see if there were any new clues."

"After a short while, Dolly returned safely and told us that there was a wooden bucket covered with moss hanging in the well, and a swollen corpse was still floating on the water, which shocked her!"

"We took a lot of thought and managed to salvage the floating corpse mentioned by Dolly and place it on the flat ground to observe. We found that the ends of the hands and feet of the corpse had been lignified, and part of the skin became rough and covered with longitudinally extending wooden texture. The texture resembles branches."

"How to explain the weird symptoms that happened to this unfortunate drowning man?"

"After discussing, the four of us agreed that the woody characteristics of the drowned person, like his companions who eventually turned into mushrooms, are also symptoms caused by the Green Sea Curse."

"As the Asa lady sister we met yesterday morning said, the residents in the Green Sea have been cursed and eventually transformed into plants or fungi. As for why some people become mushrooms and some people become shrubs? And knowing, it may just be a random result."

"The lignified characteristics of the drowned man in front of us indicate that the curse has taken effect, but it takes a process to turn a living person into a plant. The transformation has not been completed. This person accidentally slipped off the well and drowned."

"The moment the cursed person dies, the curse ends, and the deceased remains in a half-human, half-vegetable state."

"Those victims who have been completely transformed into plants or fungi can no longer see the characteristics of their clothes before birth. This floating corpse provides us with valuable identification information. Judging from the blue military uniform on his body, he should be a follower. Arnold’s Lancers who entered the Green Sea might find the magic crystal rifle lost during his lifetime in the well."

"From this point of view, the four human-shaped mushrooms around the wellhead are mostly members of the Arnold team. This is really sad bad news."

"My sister tried to cure the unlucky person who turned into a mushroom, but she tried all the magic arts, and still couldn't restore the cursed person to the original state."

"Since'remove the curse','break the barrier', and'recovery' are all invalid, we can only count on'advanced recovery','limited wish','wish' and'miracle' Unfortunately, none of us have the ability to cast such high-level spells. We can only leave a mark at the mouth of the well and try to save people in the future."

"After leaving the well, we continued to explore the mysteries of the depths of the green sea. On the way, we were lucky that we were lucky. We lifted the curse in time and did not become ignorant trees and mushrooms."

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