Mage Joan

Chapter 2408: Anahita (plus more monthly ticket)

"However, when we camped in the evening, we realized that we were too happy before."

"There was a drowsy warm wind blowing in the forest, we yawned one after another, and the feeling of fatigue returned."

"Turn on'Inner Vision' to check your own health. As expected, cursing symptoms occur again. What's more terrifying is that even my sister was not spared this time!"

"Fortunately, my sister prepared the'recovery technique' in advance, plus the remaining potion, to help everyone temporarily eliminate the curse."

"Mr. Pinkerton took out his expedition log and looked at it and told us that the curse symptoms appeared at this time yesterday. From this, it can be inferred that the curse in the green sea will be launched every 24 hours. If you can't resist the curse, it will happen every day. By reducing the physical attributes by 4 points, ordinary people will be completely incapable of action for up to three days, and eventually degenerate into fungi or plants.

"The'restoration technique' can only repair the attribute damage caused by the curse, but cannot prevent the curse from recurring the next day."

"My sister is still calm, comforting everyone to relax. She has five 3rd ring magic positions, all of which are used to prepare for the'restoration technique', and she will also use all of her 1st ring magic positions to prepare. The'secondary restoration technique' that heals attribute damage is enough to help all members of the team offset the curse damage suffered every day."

"We surrounded the campfire to discuss the weird things we encountered in the past two days. At this moment, Karl suddenly barked."

"We were startled by the hounds, followed Carl's sight, and found a beam of teleportation light rising from the forest near the camp."

"At first we thought it was a spellcaster from the outside world. We didn't know the horror of the Green Sea enchantment. We recklessly used the teleportation technique and we ran into the dense forest."

"However, when the teleportation brilliance converged, the three figures walked straight towards our camp. It didn't look like they had accidentally flown here. They were coming towards us at all."

"This is strange, why can they carry out precise teleportation in the green sea?"

"With doubts and curiosity, I stood up from the campfire, intending to talk to the three visitors, maybe I can get valuable information."

"However, when the three of them walked out of the woods and saw their faces clearly, I couldn't help being surprised!"

"Among the three, two of us are our Asa friends, Joan, can you guess who they are?"

After reading this, Qiao An thought about it. He has many Asa friends, but Holden and others also know him, and the candidates who may appear in Grizzly Town are very limited.

Reminiscing that the Walsung family once claimed to be responsible for the incident in Grizzly Town, it is not difficult for Qiao An to guess the identity of the "two Asa friends" referred to by Holden.

Continuing to read Holden's letter, as expected, it was the brothers and sisters Haakang and Sruder who were sent to the campfire, but Holden was more concerned about the strange girl who came with the Walson brothers and sisters.

Next, Holden described in detail the deep impression the lady left him with the brushwork of the poet.

"Behind the brothers and sisters of Haakang and Slud, a looming slim figure hangs in the air, and six misty and illusory tentacles extend from her, like a hazy veil covering the beautiful and mysterious body."

"At first I suspected that she was an incorporeal ghost, but soon I realized that the light green halo covering her body was not a negative energy symbolizing death. On the contrary, it was a powerful life magic."

"Where the mysterious lady walked, the surrounding flowers and trees were illuminated by the soft radiance from her body. They grew strong at a speed visible to the human eye. Even the branch that was just thrown into the fire by Uncle Pinkerton was already I was lit by a campfire, but the other end was bathed in the light radiating from her body and new green sprouted and flowers bloomed."

"When the lady floated closer and illuminated by the campfire, I confirmed that she was indeed an incorporeal creature. Her pretty face and pointed ears showed the characteristics of a goblin. The white misty tendrils covering her naked body were actually hers. Long body hair."

"Haakang introduced us to this lady named Anahita, calling her the creator of this mysterious green field, as well as the lord of this place and an ally of the Wallsung family."

"Ms. Anahita's attitude is very arrogant, she doesn't bother to talk to us. When she looked at us, her indifferent eyes seemed to be observing the cold and boring stone. This meeting was entirely due to Hakon Hess The request of the Lourdes brothers and sisters."

"Slud called Anahita her teacher. He also said that Grizzly Town and the surrounding areas covered by greenery have become Anahita's territory. Any creature that breaks into this territory without permission There will be a good end. The curse we have already experienced is just a small warning. If we don’t leave as soon as possible, an experience more terrifying than death is yet to come."

"Slud's tone is very rude, but I can appreciate her kindness. If we are not friends, we can't come to warn us. However, our mission has not been achieved. Before we can figure out the truth about Grizzly Town's mutation , I am not willing to just run away in such a desperate way!"

"Unfortunately, the Walson brothers and sisters do not intend to answer my questions, but repeatedly urge us to leave as soon as possible. If we do not listen to the advice, the consequences will be disastrous."

"This unpleasant meeting lasted only a few minutes, and then Anahita took the Walsung brothers and sisters to teleport away, missing us, leaving us with our brains full of question marks, sitting around the campfire. Guessing what sacred Ms. Anahita is."

After reading Holden’s letter, Qiao Ann had the same confusion. What is the origin of the lady Anahita next to the Walsung brothers and sisters?

Mr. Poet’s description of Anahita is quite vivid, but Qiao An searched through his memory, no matter in the "Valeth Monster Illustrated Book" or in the ancient documents in the Cloud City Library, he could not find the image of Anahita. The matching creature, at present can only guess that she is an extremely rare incorporeal goblin, and it is likely to be a legendary creature.

Want to trace the origin of this person, the only clue is the Walsung brother and sister.

Qiao An thought about it and felt that Brother Hakon was still very loyal, and his mouth was not as strict as Thrud, so he sent him a magic message to inquire about Anahita.

After about half an hour, Qiao Ann received Hakon's reply, and it was not difficult to see the ambivalence of this man.

For some reason, Hakon could not tell the identity of Anahita, but couldn't bear to disappoint her friends. In the end, he could only suggest to Qiao An that Ms. Anahita was a friend of the "Green King" Orphan. .

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