Mage Joan

Chapter 2409: Vegetative

Qiao An remembered that Mrs. Josephine mentioned that the "Green King" Offen was born in the Walsung family in Shizhu Town, the elders of the Walsung brothers and sisters.

Another identity of Offen is the elder of the "primitive order", and within the order, the position of the "elder" is second only to the "pope" Angel Poda.

"Primitive Order" is not the only elder of "Green King" Offen. Since Anahita has a close relationship with Offen, coupled with the two details of being naked and good at manipulating plants, Qiao An naturally suspects She is also a member of the "Primitive Order".

If this is the case, it shows that the Walsung tribe has formed an alliance with the "primitive order".

Qiao An had long suspected that the Grizzly Town incident was caused by the "primitive cult". Later, the Walsung family publicly claimed responsibility for the incident, which surprised him. He thought he had guessed wrong, if the two sides had secretly formed an alliance. , Then the explanation will work.

In fact, the "primitive church" is a religion that originated from the indigenous tribes of the New World. The reason why it has developed a set of extreme doctrines that resist modern industrial civilization is that, in addition to some beliefs inherited from the fundamental Druid society, the main reason is the crazy expansion of foreign colonists. A stress response that destroys the original local ecological environment.

The colonists from the old world regarded themselves as "civilized people", beautifying colonial expansion into "spreading civilization". For those oppressed aboriginals, the highest level of praise given by the colonists is nothing but the so-called "noble barbarians." ".

"Noble" is just a polite remark, essentially emphasizing "barbaric".

It’s like someone praises you that “the fool must have something for a thousand thoughts.” Is this really praise?

It is a pity that many simple-minded aboriginals were fooled by this set of despicable rhetoric. They resisted colonialism and overcorrected at the same time, so that they "against everything the enemy admires" and "respect everything the enemy opposes."

It is precisely because of this mentality that many aborigines have resisted the "modern civilization" that the colonists have been boasting about. They are actually proud of being "barbaric", ashamed of "civilization", and advocating going back to the primitive era. .

Everyone knows that only civilization can truly defeat civilization. The advocacy of barbarism can never get rid of the status of being colonized and enslaved. The general direction of the struggle has deviated. The harder you work, the more you will go wrong. It is futile.

The "primitive cult" is the manifestation of this tragedy of the times.

The Walsung tribe, on the whole, is not as extremely resistant to modern civilization as the "primitive order", but the two sides hold the same position on the issue of resisting foreign colonial expansion.

The Walsung tribe and the "primitive cult" have common enemies, and Offen, the elder of the sect who came from the Walsung family, is in the middle of the match. The alliance is not unexpected.

Qiao An himself is the "honorary townsman" of Shizhu Town, and he has deep feelings for the Logan family, "Master Gray" and even the entire Walsung tribe. However, the "Primitive Order" is his mortal enemy, if his A friend and his enemy are allies. How should he deal with such complicated entanglements?

Qiao An couldn't help but imagine that if one day in the future, the Walsung brothers and sisters also appeared in the camp of the Primordial Order, would he be cruel to kill his friends?

This type of problem involving moral dilemmas is like "Mother and child fall into the river at the same time, who do you choose to save"?

No matter how high a person's intelligence level is and how knowledgeable, it is impossible to come up with a solution that has the best of both worlds and satisfies everyone.

Joan is no exception.

The more he thinks about the dilemma he may face in the future, the more anxious he will become, and finally he has to force himself to concentrate on writing a paper. Only work can make him abandon him for the time being.

In the early morning of August 4th, the first thing Qiao Ann wakes up to is to send a letter to the expedition, asking about everyone's current situation.

Hailar's reply was relaxed, and after a rest night, everyone was in good condition.

After two days of exploration, the team was close to the outskirts of Grizzly Town. Dolly flew up to the top of the tree. Looking through the shade of the tree, she could see the church tower with a large group of leaf rays. The straight line distance was less than three miles. If nothing else, the expedition can reach Grizzly Town before dark.

Qiao An felt relieved in this letter, and told Hailar to go to the laboratory to work on his own affairs.

However, the "accident" happened after all.

That afternoon, before the sun set, Qiao An received a letter from the expedition team, this time the sender was Audrey.

"Our experience today can only be described as'misfortune never comes singly.'" Her Royal Highness said bluntly in the letter.

"When we set off in the morning, everyone's emotions were still very high. We hope to arrive in Grizzly Town as soon as possible, and to understand the current situation of the townspeople. Before expecting how far away from the town, the hospitable Grizzly Townspeople took the initiative to welcome us. ."

Seeing this, Qiao An couldn't help but wonder to himself.

The residents of Grizzly Town have been trapped in the green sea created by Anahita for more than half a month. During this period, they have been cursed every day, damaging 4 points of strength, agility and physical attributes. It stands to reason that the attributes should have been zeroed long ago. After becoming a plant or fungus, how can you still be able to "actively" come to meet Audrey and his party?

Continuing to watch with confusion, Qiao An found that Audrey and others had the same question, but they could not discuss this question for the time being, because the Grizzly Townspeople who appeared in front of them were too "enthusiastic" and simply overwhelming.

"The first to find someone approaching was Karl the Hound. At the reminder of the barking of the dog, we all noticed the shaking of people in the bushes, and then a large group of people rushed out."

"Their costumes are very messy. There are soldiers in military uniforms, craftsmen and farmers. Most of them are armed with swords, crossbows, and firearms. Some even hold a pitchfork as a weapon. The leading man wears a police uniform and carries a The double-barreled shotgun is the Sheriff we met in Grizzly Town last spring. It seems to be called Dixie."

"This group looks like a group of refugees. At first we thought this was a survivor who had escaped from Grizzly Town. It was a pleasant surprise. Holden also waved happily to say hello to Sheriff Dixie. The one who didn't want to respond to him was A gunshot!"

"Poor Holden was shot in the shoulder by Sheriff Dixie and fell on his back in the bushes, bleeding from his wounds."

"I quickly helped him stop the bleeding and heal his injuries. In a hurry, I heard Hailar yelling'Don't get me wrong','We are a search and rescue team' or something. At this time, she thought that Holden was shot by an accidental accident, until she almost was injured. It was only after the shooting that I had to give up the explanation and was forced to fight back."

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