Mage Joan

Chapter 2410: Horn and Scream

"Amidst the chaos, the townspeople held weapons and surrounded us. It was only then that I realized that the situation was not right. From their ferocious eyes, there was no humanity at all. They were like a group of wild beasts, and their murderous faces appeared strange. The skin is dark green and the skin also has woody features of different shades."

"These signs show that they are different from those victims who have been completely transformed into plants and fungi due to the curse. Although there are some tree-like features on their bodies, they still retain the human form and combat effectiveness, and their mental level is weakened to the level of beasts. And treat us outsiders as prey."

"These half-human, half-vegetable monsters may still have hope of regaining their minds. Unless we have no alternative, we can't bear to kill these victims in the green sea and try to cast a spell to calm them down."

"Dolly's'Mad Laughter', Holden's'Ecstasy', and Hylar's'Human Body Art', none of these weird people have any effect. This result proves that they are only in human form, essentially They have transformed into supernatural plants that have the effect of immune control system - their wounds shed light green resinous mucus instead of blood, which also provides evidence for this speculation."

"We were forced to use more violent methods to deal with these tree-like weirdos. We planned to knock them down first, tie them up, and then try to treat them and search for intelligence."

"At this moment, there was a sudden low horn from the center of the town. The tree-like monster seemed to be summoned to collectively terminate the battle and quickly retreat to the place where the horn came from."

"The sound of the horn reverberated in our ears, causing the magic net to vibrate, which made me feel a little dizzy, but I quickly withdrew the discomfort with willpower."

"At this time, I noticed that Holden, Mr. Hailar and Pinkton were also in a trance, Dolly and Karl were hypnotized by the mysterious horn, and followed the group of tree-like weirdos in despair."

"I hurriedly chased it up and inspired the ‘righteous halo’ of the holy sword’s ‘Pale Justice’, shrouded the parrot and the hound in the halo, and suppressed the hypnotic effect of the horn sound on them.”

"At the same time, Holden has activated the'Topaz Talisman', and Hailar has activated the'Soothing Bracelet' to protect himself and Mr. Pinkerton from hypnosis by the horn."

"After a false alarm, we discussed and guessed that the strange horn sound from Grizzly Town is closely related to the group of half-human, half-vegetable townspeople. It seems that someone is using a magic horn to remotely control the townspeople."

"In order to unravel the mystery, we will start tracking after a short break."

"At this time, the sound of the horn has stopped. Fortunately, when the townspeople fled, they left clear enough traces. Mr. Pinkerton and Carl led the way and tracked them."

"When we reached the entrance of the town, the footprints disappeared in a bush. We had to stop and look for new clues, but we did not know that we had fallen into a carefully arranged trap."

"Mr. Pinkerton was the first to notice a strange tremor on the ground under his feet, and he quickly reminded us to be careful!"

"Almost at the same time, the sand was flying in the bushes, and many small monsters broke out of the ground, screaming and rushing towards us."

"These monsters are almost three feet tall. The mud-attached skin looks dirty and looks like a child with developmental deformities. However, their bodies are made of vines, leaves, bark, and roots. There are clusters of green stems and leaves on top, and some monsters also have pink trumpet-shaped flowers blooming on their heads, like a bunch of large carrots!"

"Although they are small in size, this group of monsters is stronger and more ferocious than those tree-like townspeople, and they also have two very annoying special abilities."

"First of all, I am good at digging and sneaking, moving freely among trees and soil, and I will be attacked by them if I don't pay attention."

"What's more terrifying is that these little monsters keep screaming miserably, like ear-piercing sounds, causing a strong headache!"

"We were caught off guard by these screaming little monsters. The scene was chaotic for a while. Thanks to Holden's cleverness, he promptly used the'silence technique' to eliminate the harsh screams that filled the battlefield."

"After getting rid of the headache, we quickly stabilized our position and launched a counterattack. Together we killed more than a dozen small monsters. The others were also frightened back. We plunged our heads into the depths of the mud and escaped in no time."

"Holden's shoulder gunshot wound has not healed yet. Mr. Pinkerton was also seriously injured in this ambush. In addition, everyone was physically exhausted. They had to suspend exploration, camp in advance, and rest."

"After the campfire started, we found out that Karl the Hound was missing."

"Mr. Pinkerton blew the whistle repeatedly, but Karl did not respond to his master's call. When I sent this letter, Karl was still missing."

Finally, Miss Paladin concluded the communication with a devout prayer.

"My lord Peiro is on! The benevolent old man Sun, please bless the loyal Carl to return to his master safely, so that poor Mr. Pinkerton can get rid of worry and anxiety as soon as possible!"

Qiao Ann was touched by Audrey's prayer and couldn't help but worry about the situation of the hound Karl. After thinking for a moment, take out the "remote mirror" from the storage bag and try to search for the hound's whereabouts.

He heard that "exploration art" would be interfered by the mysterious magic power in the green sea, but the "remote vision art" attached to the magic mirror was a psychic power, and it might be immune to interference.

Unfortunately, it turns out that detection abilities will also be shielded by the Green Sea barrier, and the mirror can't be locked on Karl at all.

Putting away the "remote mirror" disappointedly, Qiao An felt that he hadn't considered it well. He knew that the green sea that eroded Grizzly Town was so evil that he should establish a "mythical link" with all members of the expedition.

But having said that, the "mythological link" may not be insured, and God knows whether it will be cut off by the mysterious power in the green sea.

Carl's disappearance cast a shadow over the prospects of the expedition. To find Carl, Joanne must first figure out how the weird green field around Grizzly Town was created and what mysteries are hidden.

For this reason, Joan sent a letter to Mrs. Josephine.

The Countess has left the "primitive order" in name, but she still maintains close contact with certain members of the order, including the "Green King" Offen, who may be able to inquire about Anahita from her Bottom line.

That night, Qiao Ann received a reply from Mrs. Josephine. After reading it, he was shocked.

This Ms. Anahita is indeed from the "Primitive Order" as Qiao An had previously guessed, and she ranks first among the three elders of the "Primitive Order"!

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