Mage Of The Abyss

Chapter 36 - 28 ~ Town

The view from under this tree is beautiful, and I can also see a place that I've been wanting to go to. It's sitting on the surrounding field of yellow grass under the heat of the sun.

A very large town is sighted.

"Looks like we're parting here, boy. I wouldn't be able to bring you in there with me this time so…"


Looking at it doing that made my heart ache.

{UnSombak (Child IV) / Level 18 / Ghost-Demon / Health: 1 / Mana: None / Stamina: Infinite / Ability: [Immortality (Rank 5)] [Loop Digestion] / Physical Attack: 100 / Magical Attack: 0 / Physical Defense: 400 / Magical Defense: 800}

Back when it was still an infant, Sombak can only grow to level 10 until it reaches the next stage, and now it can grow until Level 25. The level limit seems to be working the same way as Ranking for humans, but unlike humans, Sombak's level will reset every time it grows.

I stroke its head one more time.

"Be a good boy, and don't get yourself in trouble. Hunt what you can, and ignore what you can't. Okay?"


A one-sided talk is the one reason why I don't want to have pets. It's because I don't know what they are thinking nor do I know what they are saying. I can only make assumptions.

Don't know what I would do if Sombak died when I'm not around, the feeling of dying, it's… it wasn't… pleasant.

I thought for sure that I can exploit the [Immortality] effect of reviving every second, but I didn't account for the last sentence being "if death persist" is actually means.

That means I have to completely "Die" first before I can revive. Meaning, I will experience the process of "Dying" until I ultimately ended with "Death" in the most definite of definition it has. And Fragile hastened the first process.

I don't like this. I don't like the new Immortality that I have.

But there's nothing I can do to go back. I can only move forward and see if the next evolution exists. If it'll at least have Pain Nullification, I'll take any side effect for all I care.

Another thing that I've noticed is the fact that I won't instantly die from the use of [Abyssal Link] which reduces all Primary attributes, including health. In a sense, I did take damage but it actually did not.

But then why did the "Current" health that was going down at that time? Is it another bug again? I can't deal with this right now.


There's a lot of people lining outside the gate. Mostly caravans, some are hiding their face and bodies. Maybe because they have been traveling for so long. It's quite windy here after all despite how sunny it is.

Or maybe they just don't want to show themselves publicly.

I tend to do that too back then, blending with the people, but no matter what I do I still get found out that I'm a player.

By playing the Realism Mode, I'm able to do something that I have never done. Like initiating an interaction with some random NPCs.

"Excuse me."

"Hm, what do you want, human?"

His deep voice intimidated me a little, but cat people (Beastmen), eh – phew, as long as it's not elves, I'm fine with it.

"Inspection, just as the usual."

Okay, this might be bad, "Ah, I'm from a faraway place so I don't know what's the 'usual' inspection is like around here."

"…" turning back to me, "I see. In normal circ.u.mstances, the guards only check for identity, but they will also inspect carried goods if you are a merchant like those people. Assuming you're not an adventurer and do not have the proof of identification from the capital, you will need a few coins to get in."

Currency in Ekolia, it is called Golds (golds), it's a coin with a color of gold that is not made up of real gold but magic stones, they're commonly be found in the mines and only people at the top of the top – Royal Family – have the authority to mass-produce them.

Every coin is numbered in 1, 10, 100, and 1000 depending on its size. Conversion to dollar is very simple, $1 = 100 golds.

They can be exchanged for real money but never the other way around. Transferring real money into the game will not be going to golds, but Credits – which can be used to purchase items in the (System) Store and can never be used to purchase anything from the regular store in the game, it can also be used to trades with other players and allowed for financing as well.

"Do you have any on you?"

I shook my head.

Reaching to his back pocket, "Here, this should be enough for the fee."

"You can pay it back later. I will be in town for the entire week. You can find me in the Adventurers Guild."

"Hm? You're an Adventurer?"

"Rank D, goes by the name 'Misty Fang', at your service."

"Ahh, m-my name is… um…"

"You don't have to force yourself to tell me. Almost all adventurers are going by a nickname they themselves made so they can forget their past life, myself included."


Heeh, so it's like players then… I remember that I used to have an embarrassing name before I became a pro. Rakuri and Kurira too, what are those two names again?

"Are you alright?"

"Huh? Ah yeah, um… thank you, Misty Fang."

Adventurers Guild, huh… maybe I'll join them.

Unlike a player-made guild, they won't give me any real-life benefits. Things they offer are merely coins and reputation in-game. What people want is reputation in real life, that's why Major League exists. There are many professionals that d.e.s.i.r.e that fame.

That "real" reputation and "real" money.

It was what I d.e.s.i.r.e too, and it's my current goal now.

Once I got inspected, the two guards by the gate sighed after they found out I have no proof of identity.

Mumbling, "Another outsider."

"Where did you come from?"

Trying to be extremely careful here, "Small village, southeast from here."

Their eyes widened, "Oh, I-I see, what's your purpose here?"

Maybe because it's far.

Not that I have any time to spend thinking about it though.

"Trades, I was looking to buy some items."

"How long will you be here?"

"Not sure."

"Your name?"

"Is that necessary?"

"No, but we'll have to charge you a few extra coins for skipping that part."

"Think that'll be enough?"

After counting them, he nodded, "Alright, get in, and don't cause trouble or we'll have to bring you to the barracks. Next!"

! {Hikanda Town}

The place is quite lively despite the scorching heat of the sun. People roam around freely with their companions, their families, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary.

Unlike a village that has no paving for the pathway, I mean the ground, they have stones for a firm footing here. Caravans are being stopped with their horses before they can even get in and placed on another part of the town where they can be stored safely.

"Overall, a good one."

For the first impression, at least.

"Let's see…" thinking, 'I should find a shop and sell some of my stuff. Since miss Goolag only specifically told me to get Alchemical Ingredients, that means any other items that I have are fine to be sold.'

After looking at the Map on the town's billboard, I found out that I'm on the Northside of Lorkhan – which is one of the kingdoms in this part of the region.

There are 3 more actually.

Avenier Kingdom, Bursoli Kingdom, and the Sonata Kingdom. Alongside Lorkhan, the other two are also jointly working together in a war against Sonata – the most prosperous kingdom in the entire region.

Problem for another day, I suppose. Not really care about it at this point.

Upon entering one of the general stores in the area. I heard loud noises between a young man and a m.a.t.u.r.e woman arguing about something.

"Mom! I keep telling you, this thing – it's not good. If we want to look for powerful weapons then we should be purchasing them from the Auction. Don't we have the money?"

"And I keep telling you, Ken, honey, we won't be having any money left if we decided to go and spent what little we have left for those overpriced items!"

"But mom, we can earn them back!"

That kid, probably just turned 18, and a middle-aged woman. Seeing them, especially that kid… 'What is this suffocating feeling in my heart.'

From the looks of it, those are most definitely, Players.

"Welcome, how may I help you?" the old man at the counter. He must be real patient for ignoring those two. Wait, that one… it's an NPC.

Those two seem to be arguing about which weapons they are going to purchase.

'Hm? Those are some good stuff he got on the wall there. Weapons, armors, they're mostly for beginners though.'

"Huh?" the boy shifted his gaze at me.

"Look at me when I'm talking, young man!"

"M-Mom, hush!"


His behavior really wants me to roll my eyes, but anyway, I don't want to cut in lines but they seem to be taking a while. So, I head to the counter, filter my inventory to show only the 'valuable' goods, and take them all out.

"D-Dimensional Storage?!"

I really want to know his perspective on this. Those two players should have the same, and since this town seems to have a regular visit from Players, he should've seen it before.

"How much for these items?"

"O-Oh, um, pardon me. Let me check for them right away."

He quickly wh.i.p.s out some sort of Appraisal item, it's long but small almost like a needle but the shape is thick and rigid. Usually, and unless it's a high-tier item, they would know of the items right away.

Mumbling, "Petty cores… Sirpina's gem… Terra Fur…" with a lightened eye, "All accounts for 28.340 golds. Please, will you sell them to me? Of course, the Appraisal cost is free even if you don't want to sell them. I won't charge you extra for it."


Roughly $280, it's not bad if I were to live in Desolated Sector, but living conditions in Sky Sector only allow one to buy a decent meal for at least $50.

"Excuse me."

The voice of a young man, it was that boy who was arguing with his mother. I glanced at him and asked, "What is it?"

"Um, if you'd like, how about selling them to me? I can pay double— no, triple the amount he offered."

"What the, Ken?!"

Even his mother is shocked. Glancing at the old man, he seems nervous. I don't see a lot of meat in him. If he were to take his clothes off - which I wouldn't - I bet he's just skin and bones.


I remember he said "please", but it doesn't look like he's going to fight over the goods that might end up in this player's hand.

"You're a Traveler (Player)?"

Heh, the system really did twist what I said. No one in this world actually knew what a Player is and thus the system changes what I said to what the people in this world called them instead. I wonder if it would change other terms that I have for them though.

Not that I'm gonna risk it.


"Then let me say this to you straight. If you're buying something, hurry up and be done with it," with these eyes momentarily erupting smokes, I pointed my finger to his c.h.e.s.t and sharply muttered, "Looking at you… makes me sick."

He shuddered.

Can't believe that it actually works. I only partially activate [Ignition] on my eyes just to create the intimidating effect.

Turning back to the shopkeeper.

"Wait, you! That's my son you were talking to, how dare you say those—"

"Mom! Don't do this. Come on, it's rare for us to find new NPC in this place, and who knows, she might be a Quest-giver as well."

"But honey…"

"L-Let's just buy the items for now, okay? Please~?"

The woman looked at him with a mixed expression and proceed to sigh as she complies with her son's demand. They bought the weapons they wanted and left soon after.

The old man, the shopkeeper, fidgeting in nervousness.

Not until I asked, "So, how much was it again?"

His eyes lightened up once more.

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