Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 100 The truth with limitations

"Part of the truth?" Rorschach thought Dryacs emphasized the last sentence.

"That's right, I don't want you to be led astray into thinking that's all magic is, it's just a silhouette that we see from the symbolic realm. Just like a tree, when you look at it from the ground and from above, a tree is still a tree, but The shapes you see are completely different.”

"I can probably understand a little bit." Obviously magic has conditions, costs and rules to achieve, and the upside-down "tree" seen now only reflects the origin, evolution and current operation of the magic.

"If you can remember this scene, it may be of great help to you in the future. As far as I know, few mortals have arrived here since the Silent Age. Originally, the will of the gods should be seen here" Dryats He glanced at it, but there were only him and Rorschach in the space.

"In the so-called silent generation, perhaps the gods are indeed gone. I am just a resurrected ghost from the past."

"They may also become gods in the new era." Rorschach thought of the legend about Vidal in mythology. He and his brother Vali will be the new gods of the new world after Ragnarok.

Dryacs did not answer and said calmly: "There is still a great will to inspect this place. We should not stay for a long time. Let's go."

The ripples splashed and they returned to the stream again.

Rorschach thought of a common saying: "Behind the 'curtain' we often call the physical world, is this the symbolic world?"

"The world we live in, including the secondary planes, is the intersection of symbol and reality, where the two sides penetrate and mix. This process of penetration is the existence of the material plane, thinking, imagining and inducing miracles, while the existence of the symbolic world Projected into the physical plane in the form of miracles, magic and theurgy emerged.

So when you just try to 'penetrate the curtain' on the main plane, what you see is only the result of symbolic projection and the trajectory of magic movement. For example, someone can see the essence of the forest, but in essence they live with us. In the same space.

Only by rising to the star realm through the obstacles of uncertain dust, or entering the kingdom of gods in the star realm, can they correspond to the original layer we see and be shrouded together under the supreme sky. In fact, when we just entered the original level, we would definitely leave a projection in the star realm, and vice versa. It's like a mirror, except that it doesn't distinguish between inside and outside, either side is real. "

Can you spy on the kingdom of God and the original level by ascending to the star realm?

Rorschach thought of the pathways that represent each elementary step, and the intersections that constantly light up and go out. If all of this could be observed in the astral realm, wouldn't it be possible to master the principles of all spells and monitor the dynamics of all spells?

Finally, I thought of the Star Boundary Plan that Kano was dedicated to researching. It turned out that his mentor was not just trying to create a different world version of "Grandpa, I want to be an astronaut."

Due to the Empire's Royal Academy of Magic's disregard for basic theoretical education in magic, Rorschach, an intermediate mage, only belatedly realized how much his mentor was playing.

In fact, this is not the fault of the academy or Rorschach. Since the new era, such conjectures and theories about the origin of magic have become unverifiable metaphysics. Nowadays, mages prefer to study more practical issues to publish papers.

If Rorschach writes an article about what he saw and heard today and sends it to the magic guild, tomorrow there will be an old scholar holding a classic and pointing out his hundred fallacies without any results, and publishes an article "The Effect of Humidity in the Spellcasting Environment" Papers like "Research on the Influence of the Power of Three-ring Lightning" are more likely to pass the review.

"You must cherish this opportunity and ponder it carefully. Nowadays, mages cannot go to the star realm and directly observe the original layer. They can only make guesses based on the manuscripts of previous generations."

"Why were the people of the past able to do so but the people of today cannot?"

"The Second Divine War that accompanied the collapse of the old empire, the shattering of a large number of divine kingdoms, and the collision of powers produced uncertain dust. You should ask them to transform into dust.

They fill the gap between the real world and the symbolic world, being both material and dangerous sources mixed with the power of chaos and magic. These flow crystals not only wrap the sky in the material plane, but also symbolically isolate the main plane from the symbolic and star realms.

Because of this, I did not pull you to the astral realm, but directly pulled you to the symbolic realm through my reflection. Although in the beginning you somehow ascended directly into the highest heaven. "

Why do I feel like a local villager is a scalper and takes me over the wall to enter the scenic spot for free?

Dryats smiled: "There should be my power in the endless flow crystal. After all, I also fell in the war between gods. Alas, my kingdom of God, Landwiti Palace, was also completely shattered."

Sister, you can laugh at this, you are so strong.

Rorschach also wanted to ask about the war between gods. Many myths and scriptures were very secretive about this. The collapse of the old empire was only recorded around the struggle for power in the mortal world. However, the girl didn't give him a chance:

"The time has come. I hope we can meet again under a tree somewhere in the world. Thank you."


In fact, Rorschach still has many questions, such as what are the boundaries and connections between the star world, the universe in Rorschach's perception, and the real starry sky?

For example, who is the great will of the Supreme Heaven? Is it the origin or end of the world?

For another example, if there is no other will in the symbolic world, where is the will of Mother Earth, who is still confirmed to exist, and the God of Light and Order, who is most likely still on duty?

But all I can do now is open my eyes.

It was daytime when Rorschach lost consciousness and fell asleep, and now it was night, when others were sleeping.

"Are you awake?" It was the voice of Master Kano, who had obviously captured him to keep him awake. The Archmage was studying the map by the campfire. If he read it correctly, it should be Cavendish's alchemy "navigation".

At this time, Rorschach and his team were already in the ruins of the elf village, setting up a tent as a temporary base.

Kano put away the map and asked the boy: "Is the matter with Dryats over?"

"It's over."

"Okay. I will wait for the people in the guild to receive the corpses of the evil things here, the creations of these elves, and the information. After you return to the Holy Kingdom, write a report to me, including the performance of the apprentice Cavendish."

Why did Luo Xia reluctantly agree after the report was over? He caught Kano's meaning: "You won't come with us?"

"As the representative of the Tower of Stars, I stay here to distribute these materials. Besides, ahem, didn't I come through any door?"

Rorschach suddenly realized: "Oh yes, you smuggled into the empire."

"What about smuggling? Don't we mages want to go wherever we want? But if we are discovered by the empire, it will be a bit troublesome. We have to register, report to the Holy Kingdom, etc., issue certificates and hand over materials, it will be troublesome. I will go there then. Forest Tower, use their teleportation array to return to Valuana in a low-key manner.”

Rorschach sat up from his sleeping bag: "Sure enough, there is a fixed magic circle for passing people! I want to use it too!"

Kano waved his hand: "Go, go, wait until you become the Archmage.

Firstly, the energy consumption of the magic circle for transmitting people is much greater than that of the letter transmission system, so it does not meet the conditions for wide openness;

Secondly, this is a restriction imposed by various countries on magic guilds and our magic tower. They have no control over our own use, but they cannot publicize it, understand? Therefore, under normal circumstances, only the Archmage can use it and can only teleport between the magic tower and the guild's central stronghold. "

Any political power is very sensitive to the flow of personnel and the deployment of combat power. Although the Magic Tower can ignore the princes and nobles who express "serious concerns" every day, the Magic Guild also has a large number of apprentices, subordinate chambers of commerce and farms, in every country There are a bunch of bottles and cans that I don’t want to break. So in the name of "energy saving", the Austrian Senate restricted the teleportation circle network of teleporters.

"Come with me when you wake up and go to the basement to pick out books. Let's pick up any good stuff first. Don't be polite to the Forest Tower."

The Archmage stood up and moved the stone slab away to greet Rorschach.

Then the two of them met Mr. Colbert in the study of the elf elder, who had a dimensional bag and a book in hand.

Thank you to book friends "wuhaizjl" and "return 1 and it will be old" for your monthly ticket support! Thanks to book friends such as "SEERS", "Assassin 567-DA", "Nightlight Shines on the Butt", "Zhiyi Taoist", "Feng Wu Chongyang", "Iao", "Qingyin Memories of Sorrow" and other book friends for their recommendation votes and encouragement!

The Black Forest Chapter is finally coming to an end. Some book friends said that the scene transition was a bit confusing. I will revise the following sentences. Sorry, thank you for reading!

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